
RedEnvelope: Enter for Your Chance to Win One of Two $50 Gift Cards (Contest Closed)

REDE_SignatureGiftBoxA few years ago, I was going through a stressful time.  One day the UPS man brought me something I hadn’t ordered:  Beautifully packaged in a big red box and tied with a ribbon, I found a home spa getaway basket.  The kit contained everything I needed to kick back and de-stress with some quality Me Time.  It also let me know that a friend was thinking of me and wishing me the very best – at a moment when I both least expected and most needed it.

The gift my was my introduction to RedEnvelope, a site for unique and personalized gifts.  RedEnvelope is all about indulging yourself or someone you love in a little bit of luxury and they offer everything from spa packages to silk pajamas to help you do just that. And, since presentation is part of the experience when you’re giving a gift (or an indulgence for yourself), everything comes packaged in the signature red gift box with ivory ribbon pictured on the left.  As someone who received a gift from RedEnvelope,  I can personally report that it’s lovely.

Since all of us could use a little Me Time right about now – not to mention that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, we’ve got a good one today:

Two $50 RedEnvelope gift cards are up for grabs for two lucky readers.  To enter for your chance to win, just comment to this post by 11:59 pm eastern time on December 31st.  And – not required, but it would be nice – we’d love it if you’d share with us a story of an unexpected gift or moment in your life when someone did something wonderful for you when you most needed it.

Here’s mine:  On my 21st birthday, I was home on a college break and staying at my family home in a (very!) small town in Virginia.  I heard a knock on the door and there stood the owner of a local flower shop holding an enormous bouquet of red roses.  21 red roses, as a matter of fact.  The card said they were from my older sister.

I immediately called my sister in the midst of my floral bounty-induced joy to thank her.  She expressed surprise and told me that she’d sent a dozen.  Conferring with my mom, we decided to call the flower shop to tell them that they’d made a mistake.  No, they hadn’t, the owner told my mother.  He just thought that every young woman should have 21 red roses on her 21st birthday.

Thank you, Frederic’s Flowers.  It’s a moment I will never forget.

The tradition of giving lives on, right?

Remember, to enter for your chance to win one of two $50 gift cards, just comment to this post by 11:59 pm on New Year’s Eve. The winners will be randomly selected and announced here on Friday.

Note for our International Readers:  RedEnvelope does not ship to addresses outside the U.S., so, regretfully, this contest is open only to U.S.-based readers.

Note for those nice folks at the FTC:  RedEnvelope is a site sponsor of All About Romance and very kindly donated these gift cards for giveaways to our readers.

– Sandy AAR


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Nicole Tanata
Nicole Tanata
01/01/2010 12:12 am

I’m sure there are many but about 20 yrs ago I flew into Sea/Tac airport and took the train to my finaly destination. I somehow dropped my train tickets and this older gentlemen ran after me and made sure I had the tickets. If it wasn’t for that fellow, I may have had alot of anxiety. Thank goodness there are still ppl like that in this world.:)

Nicole Tanata
Nicole Tanata
01/01/2010 12:12 am

I’m sure there are many but about 20 yrs ago I flew into Sea/Tac airport and took the train to my finaly destination. I somehow dropped my train tickets and this older gentlemen ran after me and made sure I had the tickets. If it wasn’t for that fellow, I may have had alot of anxiety. Thank goodness there are still ppl like that in this world.:)

12/31/2009 10:29 pm

Please enter me into the contest.

12/31/2009 10:29 pm

Please enter me into the contest.

12/31/2009 2:59 pm

Please enter me in the contest

12/31/2009 2:59 pm

Please enter me in the contest

Janet S
Janet S
12/31/2009 2:51 pm

My mom cooks dinner for me and my family every day. This is one of the best gifts I have ever received. Please enter me in the contest.

Janet S
Janet S
12/31/2009 2:51 pm

My mom cooks dinner for me and my family every day. This is one of the best gifts I have ever received. Please enter me in the contest.

12/31/2009 12:24 pm

Please enter me in the contest.

12/31/2009 12:24 pm

Please enter me in the contest.

12/31/2009 9:38 am

I can’t think of any one special moment. My family does special things for me daily. My DIL is especially thoughtful of me. I’ve enjoyed reading all the special moments posted by everyone else.

12/31/2009 9:38 am

I can’t think of any one special moment. My family does special things for me daily. My DIL is especially thoughtful of me. I’ve enjoyed reading all the special moments posted by everyone else.

Dian Bueter
Dian Bueter
12/31/2009 2:51 am

Please add my name to the one of two Red Envelope gift card drawing. Thank you.

Dian Bueter
Dian Bueter
12/31/2009 2:51 am

Please add my name to the one of two Red Envelope gift card drawing. Thank you.

12/31/2009 1:33 am

Not quite on the level as everyone else’s posts, but my boyfriend whom I’ve been with for 4 years now, gave me a very special Valentine’s day during our first year together. A little scavenger hunt of goodies and romantic gifts was laid out for me as soon as I arrived and that day he took me out to dinner. It was really special and the first time he really went above and beyond to show me how much he cherishes me. He’s still as romantic to this day!

12/31/2009 1:33 am

Not quite on the level as everyone else’s posts, but my boyfriend whom I’ve been with for 4 years now, gave me a very special Valentine’s day during our first year together. A little scavenger hunt of goodies and romantic gifts was laid out for me as soon as I arrived and that day he took me out to dinner. It was really special and the first time he really went above and beyond to show me how much he cherishes me. He’s still as romantic to this day!

12/31/2009 12:59 am

Maybe not the kind of story you are looking for, but one that keeps giving in it’s own way. Several years ago my husband unexpectedly bought me a box of Girl Scout cookies because he knows I love them. I was thrilled because truly my needs are small and I don’t require expensive or lavish gifts from others. I thanked him sincerely for the thoughtful gesture. Not being hungry at the time I set them aside for later. Well later never came, because the man I love devoured the whole box the next day before I could get to them. Once I discovered the deed to the Dog House he marched, but not, of course, before contritely buying me an inferior substitute from the store. He didn’t stay in the Dog House long, because after all it was just a box of cookies and he was hungry. The second part of this story (eating the cookies) was not a thoughtful gesture, but the absurd nature of it make us (okay maybe more me than him) laugh to this day.

12/31/2009 12:59 am

Maybe not the kind of story you are looking for, but one that keeps giving in it’s own way. Several years ago my husband unexpectedly bought me a box of Girl Scout cookies because he knows I love them. I was thrilled because truly my needs are small and I don’t require expensive or lavish gifts from others. I thanked him sincerely for the thoughtful gesture. Not being hungry at the time I set them aside for later. Well later never came, because the man I love devoured the whole box the next day before I could get to them. Once I discovered the deed to the Dog House he marched, but not, of course, before contritely buying me an inferior substitute from the store. He didn’t stay in the Dog House long, because after all it was just a box of cookies and he was hungry. The second part of this story (eating the cookies) was not a thoughtful gesture, but the absurd nature of it make us (okay maybe more me than him) laugh to this day.

12/30/2009 11:03 pm

thanks for the chance for a sweet giveaway.

12/30/2009 11:03 pm

thanks for the chance for a sweet giveaway.

12/30/2009 10:23 pm

No story – just added my name

12/30/2009 10:23 pm

No story – just added my name

12/30/2009 9:44 pm

I love browsing through the red envelope site.

A favorite memory is that one year I had a very grueling day at work on my birthday. I was not able to go out with friends, and no one I saw at work knew it was my birthday. When I got home that night, a beautiful bouquet of flowers was waiting for me. My best friend, who lives in another state, sent them. My day ended so much better.

12/30/2009 9:44 pm

I love browsing through the red envelope site.

A favorite memory is that one year I had a very grueling day at work on my birthday. I was not able to go out with friends, and no one I saw at work knew it was my birthday. When I got home that night, a beautiful bouquet of flowers was waiting for me. My best friend, who lives in another state, sent them. My day ended so much better.

12/30/2009 5:53 pm

Oh what a wonderful way to hear all kinds of “”pick me up”” stories.
I’d love to be entered in the drawing, too.
There are so darn many acts of kindness I’d love to write about, but I think I’ll tell you about the most recent.
My sisters and I are crazy animal lovers and have dozens between us. We’ve only gotten worse since our kids have grown up and flown the coop.
A couple of months ago one of my sisters lost her beloved Lab mix, he was 12 years old and she found him when was just a pup. My daughter (a fellow animal lover but not quite a nut yet :-) took her aunt a dozen red roses and because she knew her other aunts and I would also be upset, she went house to house and brought us all flowers.
Such a sweetheart.

12/30/2009 5:53 pm

Oh what a wonderful way to hear all kinds of “”pick me up”” stories.
I’d love to be entered in the drawing, too.
There are so darn many acts of kindness I’d love to write about, but I think I’ll tell you about the most recent.
My sisters and I are crazy animal lovers and have dozens between us. We’ve only gotten worse since our kids have grown up and flown the coop.
A couple of months ago one of my sisters lost her beloved Lab mix, he was 12 years old and she found him when was just a pup. My daughter (a fellow animal lover but not quite a nut yet :-) took her aunt a dozen red roses and because she knew her other aunts and I would also be upset, she went house to house and brought us all flowers.
Such a sweetheart.

Ginny E
Ginny E
12/30/2009 4:26 pm

When I was working three jobs and trying to make ends meet, my boyfriend made the last three payments on my car and gave me the title on my birthday! Needless to say, I married him. And he still buys me things he thinks I “”need”” after fifteen years of marriage even if it just a box of peanut brittle. Maybe the Red Envelope should be for him.

Ginny E
Ginny E
12/30/2009 4:26 pm

When I was working three jobs and trying to make ends meet, my boyfriend made the last three payments on my car and gave me the title on my birthday! Needless to say, I married him. And he still buys me things he thinks I “”need”” after fifteen years of marriage even if it just a box of peanut brittle. Maybe the Red Envelope should be for him.

Angie G
Angie G
12/30/2009 4:17 pm

What a lovely post! I’ve enjoyed reading all the responses. Good luck to everyone! :)

Angie G
Angie G
12/30/2009 4:17 pm

What a lovely post! I’ve enjoyed reading all the responses. Good luck to everyone! :)

12/30/2009 2:40 pm

I would really love to be entered in the contest.

12/30/2009 2:40 pm

I would really love to be entered in the contest.

12/30/2009 2:25 pm

I’m still feeling warm from family’s thoughtfulness this Christmas. My sister came through with a gift that she knew I had been unable to buy for myself. My daughter brought me joy and laughter and a warm fuzzy sweater. My son-in-law planned the menu and cooked Christmas dinner. Still glowing.

12/30/2009 2:25 pm

I’m still feeling warm from family’s thoughtfulness this Christmas. My sister came through with a gift that she knew I had been unable to buy for myself. My daughter brought me joy and laughter and a warm fuzzy sweater. My son-in-law planned the menu and cooked Christmas dinner. Still glowing.

12/30/2009 2:20 pm

Have a friend with a serious illness that I would love to gift.

12/30/2009 2:20 pm

Have a friend with a serious illness that I would love to gift.

Erin T
Erin T
12/30/2009 2:17 pm

Wow, I could definitely use some “”me”” time after the stress of the holidays! I don’t think I ever dreaded the holidays as much as I have this year, we went from being a dual income household to a single one. And of course my hubby got laid off at 19 weeks one week before he was eligible for unemployment benefits. So it was doubly stressful to me being the only provider and working all the OT I could to give our kids a great Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win!

Erin T
Erin T
12/30/2009 2:17 pm

Wow, I could definitely use some “”me”” time after the stress of the holidays! I don’t think I ever dreaded the holidays as much as I have this year, we went from being a dual income household to a single one. And of course my hubby got laid off at 19 weeks one week before he was eligible for unemployment benefits. So it was doubly stressful to me being the only provider and working all the OT I could to give our kids a great Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win!

Maria P.
Maria P.
12/30/2009 1:52 pm

Years ago, coming home from work at 4 a.m., I ran out of gas on the expressway. I managed to coast down an exit ramp and there the car sat. I walked a block down to a gas station but they had no gas can or way to help. A limo driver happened to be in there and heard me. He offered to push my car to the gas station. I was so grateful, I could have cried. Here it was pitch black, I was a lone female in an unfamiliar neighborhood – I was scared to death. What a godsend that man was and I wish I had gotten his name so I could have sent him a thank you. I hope karma blessed him.

Maria P.
Maria P.
12/30/2009 1:52 pm

Years ago, coming home from work at 4 a.m., I ran out of gas on the expressway. I managed to coast down an exit ramp and there the car sat. I walked a block down to a gas station but they had no gas can or way to help. A limo driver happened to be in there and heard me. He offered to push my car to the gas station. I was so grateful, I could have cried. Here it was pitch black, I was a lone female in an unfamiliar neighborhood – I was scared to death. What a godsend that man was and I wish I had gotten his name so I could have sent him a thank you. I hope karma blessed him.

Amna Khan
Amna Khan
12/30/2009 12:23 pm

I love RedEnvelope but can’t afford it. Hope I win, definitely gonna get something for my Mom! Happy New Year everyone!

Amna Khan
Amna Khan
12/30/2009 12:23 pm

I love RedEnvelope but can’t afford it. Hope I win, definitely gonna get something for my Mom! Happy New Year everyone!

12/30/2009 9:43 am

In 2008 we were pregnant with our first child and had a miscarriage. My father-in-law and his girlfriend named a star after our Baby Angel Reed. This plus the other things they and my family did for us really helped us in a time of pure misery, we will never forget all they and my family did for us and the Hope and Love they all gave us for the future! We are still trying to have a baby and still have the Hope and Love in our hearts!

12/30/2009 9:43 am

In 2008 we were pregnant with our first child and had a miscarriage. My father-in-law and his girlfriend named a star after our Baby Angel Reed. This plus the other things they and my family did for us really helped us in a time of pure misery, we will never forget all they and my family did for us and the Hope and Love they all gave us for the future! We are still trying to have a baby and still have the Hope and Love in our hearts!

12/30/2009 8:19 am

I loved that story… I have to say that this year was a great one… I had my son in April and my sister went above and beyond. She took my daughter for several days and gave me a whole bunch of homecooked food for eating… I was savoring every bite… great for recooperation! :)

12/30/2009 8:19 am

I loved that story… I have to say that this year was a great one… I had my son in April and my sister went above and beyond. She took my daughter for several days and gave me a whole bunch of homecooked food for eating… I was savoring every bite… great for recooperation! :)

12/30/2009 6:44 am

When I was having surgery, and after an unexpected stay in the hospital, a friend took care of my daughter even for the extended time. This was wonderful since I was a single mother and my daughter had also become sick while I was in the hospital. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.

12/30/2009 6:44 am

When I was having surgery, and after an unexpected stay in the hospital, a friend took care of my daughter even for the extended time. This was wonderful since I was a single mother and my daughter had also become sick while I was in the hospital. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.

Pam Hager
Pam Hager
12/30/2009 1:06 am

Please enter me in the contest.

When i was ill & in the hospital…my friend came & cleaned my house for me. That was really a wonderful thing to come home to.

Pam Hager
Pam Hager
12/30/2009 1:06 am

Please enter me in the contest.

When i was ill & in the hospital…my friend came & cleaned my house for me. That was really a wonderful thing to come home to.