
How Do You Access AAR?

We’ve got some decisions to make at AAR and in order to help us make the right ones, we’d love to know  how you log onto the site.  We’d appreciate if you’d take the time to respond to the poll below by selecting the answers that are true for you. There’s no limit on the number of answers you may select – multiple choices certainly work for me.

And here’s another way you can help us:  If you experience any peculiarities on your Smart Phone  or on any specific Web browser, could you please let us know in the comments what you see and when you see it?


-Sandy AAR

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01/07/2010 9:12 am

Thanks, RfP. That’s what I kind of figured happened with those missing 200+ votes regarding the type of connection people use from their home computers. They probably submitted quickly without realizing that it could be multiple answers. Sandy made that very clear in her post, but often we skim quickly thru things when on the Net because of time.

I’ve had high speed for many years and would give up my computer first, I think, before I went to slower speeds. But when I was working and had computers available both at work and at home, I only had dial-up at home because I used the computer more at work during the day than I did at home.

01/07/2010 9:12 am

Thanks, RfP. That’s what I kind of figured happened with those missing 200+ votes regarding the type of connection people use from their home computers. They probably submitted quickly without realizing that it could be multiple answers. Sandy made that very clear in her post, but often we skim quickly thru things when on the Net because of time.

I’ve had high speed for many years and would give up my computer first, I think, before I went to slower speeds. But when I was working and had computers available both at work and at home, I only had dial-up at home because I used the computer more at work during the day than I did at home.

01/07/2010 12:19 am

Sorry, Tee. I didn’t realize it was multiple-answer until I’d submitted. I would have picked High Speed Connection.

FWIW, I read the posts via a feed reader, which works on either computer or smartphone.

01/07/2010 12:19 am

Sorry, Tee. I didn’t realize it was multiple-answer until I’d submitted. I would have picked High Speed Connection.

FWIW, I read the posts via a feed reader, which works on either computer or smartphone.

Anne Gilbert
Anne Gilbert
01/07/2010 12:16 am

Interesting, but not surprising, results. I know exactly one person who says that if they had to actually pay for the connection themselves, they’d just use dialup. The logic here is, the person claims not to use the Internet very much. I had dialup for a long time, until chance allowed me to get a high speed connection. I was so happy with the increased download speed, I never looked back. But then, I use the Internet a lot, doing research for various writing-related things.
Anne G

Anne Gilbert
Anne Gilbert
01/07/2010 12:16 am

Interesting, but not surprising, results. I know exactly one person who says that if they had to actually pay for the connection themselves, they’d just use dialup. The logic here is, the person claims not to use the Internet very much. I had dialup for a long time, until chance allowed me to get a high speed connection. I was so happy with the increased download speed, I never looked back. But then, I use the Internet a lot, doing research for various writing-related things.
Anne G

01/06/2010 8:07 am

I’m curious regarding the disparity in numbers between–

Home-based Computer (Laptop, desktop, or netbook) (96%, 531 Votes)
High Speed Connection (56%, 313 Votes)
Dial-up (-95%, 8 Votes)

Not unless people just voted on the type of computer and didn’t bother voting on the kind of connection. I was hoping for fairly accurate figures here because I’m really interested in how households connect these days. Obviously, high speed reigns, though. Not that many years ago, that wasn’t the case at all.

01/06/2010 8:07 am

I’m curious regarding the disparity in numbers between–

Home-based Computer (Laptop, desktop, or netbook) (96%, 531 Votes)
High Speed Connection (56%, 313 Votes)
Dial-up (-95%, 8 Votes)

Not unless people just voted on the type of computer and didn’t bother voting on the kind of connection. I was hoping for fairly accurate figures here because I’m really interested in how households connect these days. Obviously, high speed reigns, though. Not that many years ago, that wasn’t the case at all.

Anne Gilbert
Anne Gilbert
01/05/2010 2:24 pm

I access AAR generally from my laptop, at home. Now that my laptop is fixed and working(I had computer problems and a virus I didn’t know about for a while), I can also access anywhere there is a wireless setup, for example, at a branch of my local library or at my local espresso outlet that has free wi-fi. Also, my ISP recently upgraded itself and sent us all new modems and a gadget that apparently allows very fast connections, so I have no trouble, so far, accessing this site.

Anne Gilbert
Anne Gilbert
01/05/2010 2:24 pm

I access AAR generally from my laptop, at home. Now that my laptop is fixed and working(I had computer problems and a virus I didn’t know about for a while), I can also access anywhere there is a wireless setup, for example, at a branch of my local library or at my local espresso outlet that has free wi-fi. Also, my ISP recently upgraded itself and sent us all new modems and a gadget that apparently allows very fast connections, so I have no trouble, so far, accessing this site.

01/03/2010 10:02 pm

I use my home computer. I’ve tried it on my iphone but it never works right although I can’t explain it properly in technical termonology.

01/03/2010 10:02 pm

I use my home computer. I’ve tried it on my iphone but it never works right although I can’t explain it properly in technical termonology.

01/03/2010 2:44 am


In addition to my desktop and laptop, I also use an IPhone to access AAR on occasion. I use it to read the reviews when choosing a book at the library, my favorite UBS and at the chain bookstores. I have the same problems with the navigation.

I don’t see anything wrong with developing a simple mobile site that, to begin with, just provides access to the reviews. It could easily include a link to the full site for those whose smart phones display the site correctly.

I’m an independent website developer. I don’t want to bore people with techie talk here but there might be some less extensive ways to fix the iPhone problem. I’ve given you my business email address and I’d be happy to be a volunteer advisor on the technical issues, if needed.

01/03/2010 2:44 am


In addition to my desktop and laptop, I also use an IPhone to access AAR on occasion. I use it to read the reviews when choosing a book at the library, my favorite UBS and at the chain bookstores. I have the same problems with the navigation.

I don’t see anything wrong with developing a simple mobile site that, to begin with, just provides access to the reviews. It could easily include a link to the full site for those whose smart phones display the site correctly.

I’m an independent website developer. I don’t want to bore people with techie talk here but there might be some less extensive ways to fix the iPhone problem. I’ve given you my business email address and I’d be happy to be a volunteer advisor on the technical issues, if needed.

01/02/2010 1:36 pm

I use both my laptop and my blackberry curve to access AAR. I use my blackberry to check the new reviews but for everything else (esp power searches) I use my laptop. Its a lot easier to do some things from an actual computer. On my phone many of the items on the webpage are not centered correctly. This doesn’t really bother me because I’m still getting the information I’m looking for, everything is still coherent. Also, I can post comments like this from my phone (which I’m doing now). For the most part AAR is one of the best sites to go to from my phone because of its speed in loading and its format.

Hope this helps.

01/02/2010 1:36 pm

I use both my laptop and my blackberry curve to access AAR. I use my blackberry to check the new reviews but for everything else (esp power searches) I use my laptop. Its a lot easier to do some things from an actual computer. On my phone many of the items on the webpage are not centered correctly. This doesn’t really bother me because I’m still getting the information I’m looking for, everything is still coherent. Also, I can post comments like this from my phone (which I’m doing now). For the most part AAR is one of the best sites to go to from my phone because of its speed in loading and its format.

Hope this helps.

01/01/2010 7:12 pm

I access this site on my kindle 2. I use AAR to find
reviews of books I am thinking of purchasing on my
Kindle2. I also daily read the new reviews.

01/01/2010 7:12 pm

I access this site on my kindle 2. I use AAR to find
reviews of books I am thinking of purchasing on my
Kindle2. I also daily read the new reviews.

01/01/2010 5:32 am

I also use Firefox, no problems.

01/01/2010 5:32 am

I also use Firefox, no problems.

12/31/2009 7:32 pm

Until earlier this year, I downloaded the reviews at work and read them using AvantGo during my commute home. That company stopped supporting its mobile formatting program at the end of June :-(. Now I have to wait until there is a free moment on our home computer. We have a Mac w/ a high speed connection. I use Safari and have had no problems.

12/31/2009 7:32 pm

Until earlier this year, I downloaded the reviews at work and read them using AvantGo during my commute home. That company stopped supporting its mobile formatting program at the end of June :-(. Now I have to wait until there is a free moment on our home computer. We have a Mac w/ a high speed connection. I use Safari and have had no problems.

12/31/2009 10:46 am

I have it marked as a favourite both on my laptop and desk top computer at home. When I’m being a bad little worker bee at work and slipping in as unobtrusively as possible, I goggle it under “”all about romance”” – and if I’ve already snuck in earlier at work, I get here under history. And I use Firefox as the browser and have high speed.

12/31/2009 10:46 am

I have it marked as a favourite both on my laptop and desk top computer at home. When I’m being a bad little worker bee at work and slipping in as unobtrusively as possible, I goggle it under “”all about romance”” – and if I’ve already snuck in earlier at work, I get here under history. And I use Firefox as the browser and have high speed.

12/31/2009 10:36 am

I access AAR exclusively from my home computer – a Mac with a highspeed internet connection. I use the Safari browser and have no problems.

12/31/2009 10:36 am

I access AAR exclusively from my home computer – a Mac with a highspeed internet connection. I use the Safari browser and have no problems.

Colleen Gleason/Joss Ware
Colleen Gleason/Joss Ware
12/31/2009 9:37 am

I use my iPhone to access occasionally, but as someone else mentioned above, it’s clunky because of the navigation section.

Colleen Gleason/Joss Ware
Colleen Gleason/Joss Ware
12/31/2009 9:37 am

I use my iPhone to access occasionally, but as someone else mentioned above, it’s clunky because of the navigation section.

12/31/2009 8:37 am

Oh dear, unless you make all your choices when you vote initially you can’t vote again.

12/31/2009 8:37 am

Oh dear, unless you make all your choices when you vote initially you can’t vote again.

12/31/2009 8:35 am

And it would also help if I read the instructions above! That’s what I get for answering before coffee. I’m going back to vote a few more times.

12/31/2009 8:35 am

And it would also help if I read the instructions above! That’s what I get for answering before coffee. I’m going back to vote a few more times.

12/31/2009 8:33 am

I most often access from work but I also access from home on weekends. At home I use a desktop with a high speed broadband connection and I also use a desktop with broadband at work. I only voted in one category – access from work, but I actually could vote in three. I’ll bet I’m not the only one. You might want to restructure your questions because they are not specific enough.

12/31/2009 8:33 am

I most often access from work but I also access from home on weekends. At home I use a desktop with a high speed broadband connection and I also use a desktop with broadband at work. I only voted in one category – access from work, but I actually could vote in three. I’ll bet I’m not the only one. You might want to restructure your questions because they are not specific enough.

Judith Keating
Judith Keating
12/31/2009 8:17 am

I access from home using Internet Explorer and have no trouble getting to AAR website.
Just to let you know, AAR has some great reviewers and although I don’t always agree with their book rating, I still enjoy their viewpoint. The second favorite review site is Romantic Times.

Judith Keating
Judith Keating
12/31/2009 8:17 am

I access from home using Internet Explorer and have no trouble getting to AAR website.
Just to let you know, AAR has some great reviewers and although I don’t always agree with their book rating, I still enjoy their viewpoint. The second favorite review site is Romantic Times.

Lisa C
Lisa C
12/31/2009 12:32 am

Same as others with iPhone links turned into long dead list. Annoying but I’ve gotten used to the long scroll.

Lisa C
Lisa C
12/31/2009 12:32 am

Same as others with iPhone links turned into long dead list. Annoying but I’ve gotten used to the long scroll.

12/30/2009 6:00 pm

I use firefox and have tremendous difficulty getting comments to post here. They just load forever. Usually I have to just give up. No problems with any other site.

Reply to  willaful
12/30/2009 6:59 pm

willaful: I use firefox and have tremendous difficulty getting comments to po

I use Firefox with no problems posting comments at all.

12/30/2009 6:00 pm

I use firefox and have tremendous difficulty getting comments to post here. They just load forever. Usually I have to just give up. No problems with any other site.

Reply to  willaful
12/30/2009 6:59 pm

willaful: I use firefox and have tremendous difficulty getting comments to po

I use Firefox with no problems posting comments at all.

Varda Fink
Varda Fink
12/30/2009 4:56 pm

I access frequently through my Blackberry Tour. The main problem with this is that the print is very small. When I magnify, then the print is too large to fit on the screen. When there is something I really want to read I switch over to a computer.

Varda Fink
Varda Fink
12/30/2009 4:56 pm

I access frequently through my Blackberry Tour. The main problem with this is that the print is very small. When I magnify, then the print is too large to fit on the screen. When there is something I really want to read I switch over to a computer.

Danielle D
Danielle D
12/30/2009 3:48 pm

I access this website at home on my laptop and at work when I can.

Danielle D
Danielle D
12/30/2009 3:48 pm

I access this website at home on my laptop and at work when I can.

Courtney Milan
Courtney Milan
12/30/2009 3:48 pm

Echoing those who say that AAR is very hard to use on the iPhone, which is annoying when I’m in bookstores and trying to remember the name of That Book I read that great review about. The biggest problem is that the menus cease to work on the iPhone–even if you can’t fix everything, can you fix that?

Courtney Milan
Courtney Milan
12/30/2009 3:48 pm

Echoing those who say that AAR is very hard to use on the iPhone, which is annoying when I’m in bookstores and trying to remember the name of That Book I read that great review about. The biggest problem is that the menus cease to work on the iPhone–even if you can’t fix everything, can you fix that?

12/30/2009 1:41 pm

With Twitter I now access the reviews from the link you post. Everything else I pretty much go to the website and search for whatever I am looking for (new releases, archived reviews etc)

12/30/2009 1:41 pm

With Twitter I now access the reviews from the link you post. Everything else I pretty much go to the website and search for whatever I am looking for (new releases, archived reviews etc)

12/30/2009 12:56 pm

My Blackberry Bold lets me view the whole site. I simply zoom in since it’s a little small when it first loads.

12/30/2009 12:56 pm

My Blackberry Bold lets me view the whole site. I simply zoom in since it’s a little small when it first loads.