Our reach:

Yearly Users: 755K
Yearly Sessions: 1.3 million
Twitter: 22K followers
Facebook: 3.5K Likes

Daily newsletter: 1K subscribers

Main countries: USA, Canada, UK, India, Australia

What makes us different: All About Romance is just that. Our readers are interested primarily in romance novels and fiction focused on women. We don’t review TV shows, movies, or other web sites. We don’t follow movie stars or royals. We’re just about books written (mostly) by and for women.

Available website ads:

Weekly rates (ads usually run from Sunday to Sunday.)

Monthly rates (ads usually begin on the 1st but do not have to).

We offer a 5% discount for bookings of 3 to 6 month and a 10% discount for those 7 months or more.

We run two to four ads a month, at the top of our right sidebar. Ads run on our Home page and on our Blog page.

We can run a single ad in the center of our home page.

Available Steals and Deals newsletter ads:

We offer one slot at the top and one ad slot on the bottom of our Steals and Deals daily newsletter. Our newsletter currently goes out to 1K subscribers.

Reviews and guest posts:

We do not charge for or accept payment for reviews. If you have a book you’d like reviewed, you can send us a pitch for it. If it looks like a fit for us, we’ll send it out to the staff and see if there are any takers.

We no longer run guest posts for free except in rare instances. If you advertise with us, we would be happy to publish a guest post by you.


Contact our publisher Dabney Grinnan.