Amanda Quick cover reveal…

Cover reveal 4

All About Romance unveils the last piece of the cover of Amanda Quick’s The Girl Who Knew Too Much. Three other pieces of the cover were be revealed earlier this week (see below). The finale cover will be posted on Jayne Ann Krentz’s Facebook page tomorrow.

The author of the New York Times bestseller Til Death Do Us Part enters a new historical era, the 1930s, with her latest historical hardcover romance set in Burning Cove, California, an idyllic small town on the coast that has become a refuge for Hollywood moguls and stars seeking privacy for scandalous trysts and wild parties… (The book comes out in May of 2017. You can pre-order a copy here.)

To see the rest of the cover, visit:

August 29:  USA Today’s Happy Ever After

August 30:  Reading in Pajamas

August 31:  The Reading Café

September 1:  All About Romance Blog

September 2:  Jayne Ann Krentz Facebook Page for the final reveal!

Amanda Quick is a pseudonym for Jayne Ann Krentz, the author, under various pen names, of more than fifty New York Times bestsellers; there are more than 35 million copies of her books in print.  She has written contemporary romantic thrillers under the Krentz name as well as historical and futuristic romance novels under the pseudonyms Amanda Quick and Jayne Castle, respectively. Learn more at and connect with her on


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09/02/2016 7:28 pm

The cover looks chill (which I am told means awesome). The 1930’s era sounds really intriguing for Til Death Do Us Part and thanks also for the great sale price of Ravished (Amanda Quick) for $1.99.

Jayne Ann Krentz
Jayne Ann Krentz
09/01/2016 1:43 pm

All About Romance: Thank you so much for participating in the cover reveal of my next Amanda Quick, THE GIRL WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. I’m really excited about the book and the cover!