
What’s your best Valentine’s Day story?

It’s great to have a Valentine but having one doesn’t make or break Valentine’s Day. Almost anything can make February 14th fun, right? We asked our friends at Harlequin to share some of their favorite Valentine’s Day stories.

B.J. Daniels, author of the upcoming title Renegade’s Pride (on-sale February 28, 2017):

One year my husband took me to a foreign country for dinner—Canada.

The border is only about 50 miles from where we live in Montana. But when we reached the first town across the border, a tornado had taken out the power so everything was closed. We tried another Canadian town close by. The only restaurant there had closed.

We ended up having dinner at a diner back in Montana. We still laugh about that romantic Salisbury steak dinner.

Which proved that we didn’t need a foreign country to make our day romantic. We just needed each other.

Emma Miller, author of A Love for Leah (available now!):

Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a celebration of couples, but I was on my own on the Island Capri in Italy, not far from Naples, while my husband was holding down the farm at home. My daughter and granddaughter had gone off to shop, and, after a weeks of   galleries and grandeur, I was eager for quiet time.

I sat at an outdoor table beneath a lemon tree and sipped fresh-squeezed orange juice a few yards from the beach. I ate purple grapes bursting with juice bought from a tiny shop, and watched the faces, young and old, around me. I found a spot on the white sand beneath a storybook, blue sky and slipped off my shoes. I waded in the waves, felt the sun warm my face, and listened to the cry of the gulls, and the clank of boats at anchor. And then, sipping a coffee in another café, I punched in the number for the man I loved so that we could share our day.

Rhenna Morgan, author of Rough & Tumble (available February 21st!):

I was a bit of a late bloomer on the romance scene, so I’ve spent plenty Valentine’s Days my own. My favorite though was the year I’d just stopped dating a guy. I bought myself my own flowers (stargazer lilies), some cheap takeout (I was also a starving college student), and watched Always with Richard Dreyfuss and Holly Hunter. I even made home-style popcorn cooked on the stove. Best Valentine’s Day ever!

Do you have a favorite Valentine’s Day story? We’d love to hear it!             


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Rhenna Morgan
Rhenna Morgan
02/13/2017 10:49 am

Thank you so much for sharing these stories!!