
What food do you grow in your garden?

008 (2)One of the best things about having a garden of my own is that now I can grow stuff to eat. We have a plum tree and an apple tree, and although there are no apples this year (obviously there was frost at a very sensitive time), we had to cut the tips of some branches off the plum tree because they were about to break, so laden with fruit it is.

We also have bushes with raspberries, gooseberries, and blueberries, and the first two yealded a lot of fruit this summer.

My pride and joy, however, are my tomatoes. In contrast to my mother’s, they haven’t yet suffered from the blight. They are just about to turn red. Aren’t they beautiful?

Do you grow any fruit or vegetables in your garden?

– Rike Horstmann


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07/25/2012 8:02 pm

I think the fact that we’re doing a raised bed keyhole garden is probably what helped our lettuces stay safe from slugs.

07/21/2012 12:00 pm

Thanks, Missie!
I tried to grow lettuce, but the slugs ate all of it, and I gave up. Peppers are very hardy, I am told, but I am allergic to them, most unfortunately! I also tried eggplant last year, but they didn’t do anything (not even grow perceptively). So I stick to what works.
As regards herbs, I grow parsil, dill and chives. I had other herbs, but these are the ones I actually use in the kitchen.

07/20/2012 6:35 pm

Oh, and yes, your tomatoes ARE beautiful! :-)

07/20/2012 6:35 pm

Aren’t homegrown tomatoes just the best thing ever??

We’re in Texas, where we’ve been suffering from severe drought. Hubby noticed an article about a keyhole garden, a gardening technique used in Africa, and so he built one up this year, in a spot where we had to remove an old, large pecan tree that had been struck by lightning and was dying:


So far, it’s been working GREAT! We’ve got patio tomatoes, kale, a couple of different lettuces (one called devil’s tongue that’s run its course already), collard greens, banana peppers, red bell pepper, and green bell pepper. We also planted a couple of cherry tomatoes in other spots in the yard, and we found a sweet spot for the cherry tomatoes, as we’re getting tons of them, as well!

Best of all, because of its design, it requires very little water.

We also have two herb gardens — one with rosemary (it has grown into a bush!) and another, smaller one with basil, chives, oregano, and thyme.

07/20/2012 3:17 pm

Parsley, chives, basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, cucumbers,strawberries, rhubarb, tomatoes and zucchini. This year I am experimenting with a mini-watermelon. Will see whether or not we actually get any melons. My garden is very small and just for some “fresh” homegrown stuff.

07/20/2012 10:06 am

No, every year I say I am but it hasn’t happened yet. I would love to have tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, cantalope and watermelon. Maybe some day.