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What Do You Do With a Pomegranate?

pomegranateWhat can I say about the pomegranate? The seeds (the part we eat) are a dark, beautiful shade of red that seems particularly appropriate at this time of year. It’s supposedly one of the “super foods,” rich in antioxidants. And it can be quite tasty. But just what do you do with a pomegranate?

I became fascinated with pomegranates as a young girl. When I went grocery shopping with my mother and saw pomegranates I would beg her to buy one for me. Sometimes she would, but more often than not she’d say, “we’ll see” which meant, “no.” The more she said no, the more appealing they became. So you’d think that as an adult I’d constantly have pomegranates in my home. No, not so much. Now that I can buy whatever foods I want, ease of cooking and preparation has become more important. And pomegranates are pesky. Those seeds can be very messy to remove.

I recently discovered the Pomegranate Council’s website which is filled with information about pomegranates, including these useful three steps on how remove the seeds: (1) cut off the crown, then cut the pomegranate into sections; (2) place the sections in a bowl of water then roll out the seeds (or arils) with your fingers and discard everything else; and (3) strain out the water and eat the seeds. Easy enough, and far less messy than the way I previously removed the seeds.

But the seeds just aren’t as easy to bring to work for my lunch as an apple or even a handful of grapes. And they’re rather messy to eat sitting at my desk. But I still like pomegranates, so I’ve begun exploring dishes to add the seeds to. I’ve found I quite like them in a green salad in the same way I might add dried cranberries or dried cherries. I’ve also recently  tried them in plain Greek yogurt along with some pistachios. Delicious. But surely there are other ways to use them? I’ve started looking for recipes and have seen some that look interesting (such as pomegranate guacamole) but so far haven’t made any.

Do you ever buy pomegranates? What do you do with them?



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11/17/2012 9:58 pm

I like them but rarely buy them. However, I remember my dad always eating one – just one – at Christmas.

11/17/2012 12:53 pm

I’ve never had a pomegranate but now I know how to eat one. Thanks for the tips.

11/17/2012 11:53 am

I’ve never bought a pomegranate nor eaten the seeds, as I’ve not cared for the taste of pomegranate juice. That was years and years ago, though…perhaps I should give it another try sometime.