
Want to write for us?

You read us. You trust our reviews and comment on our blogs and message boards. You like that we’re independent, that we don’t answer to publishers, authors, or a media company. You appreciate that we are a grassroots organization–our reviewers are regular people who, just like you, love romance. We write about romance because we love the genre and its readers. It’s our passion and, if it’s your passion too, we’d like you to be part of our team.

We’d like you to be smart, witty, enthusiastic, and willing to write at least a review and/or a blog a month. We’re interested in covering all sorts of romance and women’s fiction and so if you feel passionate about it, we want you to write about it. For us.

What’s in it for you? Besides fame (did you know we have almost 17K Twitter followers?) and the ability to share your take on the books you love (or hate)? Well, we will supply you with the books and who doesn’t like free books? We plan to, after our very exciting site reboot in June, to begin paying for reviews. And you’ll be part of one of the best working teams around.

If this sounds like your jam, here’s what you need to do. Send us (to dabneyataar@gmail.com) two sample reviews, one of a book you love and one of a book you don’t. Let us know what subgenres you’re most interested in and how often you’d like to publish. We’ll get back to you within a week.


Dabney Grinnan

Publisher at AAR


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