The Wayback on Wednesday: At the Back Fence Issue #321

published on October 21, 2008

North and South

When it comes to romances on television or in the movies, I prefer mine set in the past. I believe that Darcy and Elizabeth will stay together happily and when Jane Eyre tells us that she and her Edward Rochester are very happy in their marriage, I feel she’s telling the truth. When it comes to most modern lovers in the movies or television, just color me cynical, but I don’t see too many modern couples staying together in good times and in bad. I figure ten years from now, Big will find a younger, less spendthrift Carrie, and he’ll toss her and her shoe collection out.

In the 19th century, marriage was not something taken lightly. It was for life, and a wrong choice could make a person’s life uncomfortable (Mr. Bennett) if not miserable (which is how I see Lydia Bennet in a few years). So when I watch a love story with a period setting, I want to believe the happy couple have actually thought about their feelings for each other and are not just led by outward appearances.

For a long time I fed my hunger for romances on the screen by watching adaptations of Jane Austen’s novels and various versions of Jane Eyre. Then I heard some buzz about a 2004 mini-series called North and South. I had read the book years ago in an English Lit class, so I checked the video out of the library, watched it, and immediately ordered it from Amazon so I could watch it over and over again. It is, hands down, one of the best and most intelligent romantic stories I have ever seen.

North and South is based on the novel by Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell, who used elements of her own life in the book. She was born in Chelsea and came from a family of well-connected, socially conscious Unitarians. Her father, William Stevenson, was a minister who left the ministry and worked for the treasury. Her mother died when she was a baby, and she spent most of her childhood with her aunt in Cheshire. Later on, Mrs. Gaskell used this setting for her novel Cranford. She married William Gaskell, a Unitarian minister, and by all accounts the marriage was a very happy one. The Gaskells spent several years in Manchester, which became a major industrial city during the Industrial Revolution, and Mrs. Gaskell saw the problems of the workers first hand.

Manchester was a center of cultural and intellectual ferment, but it was also a place where poverty and sickness was rampant. The social and economic divide between the North and the South of England – which still exists – was an element almost all of Mrs. Gaskell’s books, and caused her to be typecast as a problem novelist. Her first book, Mary Barton, is set in Manchester during the time of the Chartist movement and portrays the hard times the working class had to endure. Ruth, the novel’s heroine, once had a child out of wedlock in the days when doing so was scandalous enough to cause a woman’s ruin. North and South is a more balanced portrait of the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the workers and the owners.

Mrs. Gaskell also wrote the charming episodic novel Cranford, the unfinished domestic novel Wives and Daughters, quite a number of short stories, and a noted biography of Charlotte Bronte. North and South was her last finished novel and it appeared in parts in Charles Dickens’s magazine Household Words. Dickens and Mrs. Gaskell were good friends and he shared her concern with social reform.

In 2004, the BBC produced a mini-series based on North and South starring Richard Armitage as John Thornton, a mill owner in Milton, and Daniela Denby-Ashe as Margaret Hale, originally from the South. The mini-series follows the novel fairly closely, although some alterations were made, most notably adding a spectacularly romantic scene in a train station.

As the story begins, Margaret Hale lives in Helstone in the south of England where her father is a clergyman. Mr. Hale suffers a crisis of conscious when he finds he can no longer give assent to the Thirty Nine Articles of the Church of England, so he resigns his living and moves the family to Milton, an industrial city in the north where he hopes to teach private pupils. Milton is nothing like Helstone and Margaret is a total outsider. She is appalled by the poverty she sees and thinks the mill owners (called masters) are indifferent to human suffering. Her attitude is reinforced when she sees one of the masters, John Thornton, beat a worker for lighting a pipe. Thornton turns out to be one of her father’s pupils. When she berates him for having beaten the man, he tells her about the danger of smoking in a mill. Clearly things are not as simple as they seem.

Margaret and her family’s housekeeper Dixon discover that the people of Milton are very different from the people they knew in Helstone. The Hales are unable to hire a maid, since a woman can make better wages working at one of the mills and the women of Milton consider being a servant beneath them. When Margaret befriends one of the mill workers, Bessie Higgins, she offers to bring her a basket. As a clergyman’s daughter, Margaret was used to making charitable rounds, but Bessie and her father Nicholas laugh at her Lady Bountiful ways.

The masters have their own set of problems. The mills depend on a steady supply of cotton, and they are having problems with that supply. The workers are angry since they took a pay cut several years ago and their wages have not been increased since. Nicholas Higgins, leader of the local union, wants the workers to strike despite the hardship it will bring. If a strike goes through, it will bring great hardship on some of the mill owners too, but the masters will not share their problems with the workers, and they look on Nicholas as a rabble rouser.

John Thornton is fast falling in love with Margaret, but there are many obstacles in their way. His proud mother does not like Margaret, thinking her a southern snob. Margaret is very conscious of the difference in rank between them – her parents are comparatively poor and Thornton is very wealthy, although she does not know that Thornton is having financial problems. Mrs. Hale is in poor health, and Margaret’s brother lives in exile, having taken part in a mutiny against an insane captain.

Eventually the workers strike and as it drags on, Thornton’s financial situation becomes worse, so he brings in Irish workers to break the strike. The union workers protest, the protest becomes violent and one of the men throws a stone, meant for Thornton, which strikes Margaret, who is protecting him The strike collapses and Thornton proposes. She turns him down, thinking he believes himself superior to them. He protests his love, but Margaret cannot believe him.

As the story progresses, Margaret slowly sees Thornton in a new light, especially when she meets him at the Great Exhibition in London in the company of Henry Lennox, one of her admirers, where Thornton’s honesty and work ethic are contrasted to Lennox’s shallowness. Thornton has been and continues to be one of the more enlightened of the masters, and eventually he and Nicholas Higgins form a tentative friendship.

Eventually, their economic status changes for both Margaret and Thornton. Margaret’s parents both die and her godfather, Mr. Bell, leaves her a large legacy. Thornton, who has refused to deal in risky speculation, loses the mill. Margaret goes back to Helstone but discovers that the golden glow with which she has surrounded Helstone in her memories has faded. She misses the dynamic (even if it is dirty) atmosphere of Milton and she misses Thornton dreadfully. In the book, they meet, they talk, and they settle matters in a rather matter of fact scene, but in the miniseries, Thornton and Margaret meet in a train station and confess their love in one of the most passionately romantic scenes ever.

The BBC did not publicize their version of North and South to a great extent, but the series touched a chord with viewers and became enormously popular. It made Richard Armitage, who plays John Thornton, a star and a romantic heartthrob. Daniela Denby-Ashe, who plays Margaret Hale, is warm, intelligent and charming and she and Armitage share excellent chemistry. In one scene while passing him a cup of tea, their hands lightly brush, and the sizzle in that scene is palpable.

Several scenes were filmed in Helmshore Mills Textile Museum in Lancashire, where there is an actual working cotton mill. The scenes in the mills – where the atmosphere is thick with cotton lint – causes Margaret to say at one point,  I’ve seen hell, and it’s white. Workers in cotton mills often contracted lung disease (the technical term is byssinosis) and Bessie Higgins dies of it. Unlike some of the other masters, Thornton has a flywheel installed to blow away some of the cotton lint, a device that other masters won’t use because of its expense.

I can’t praise the series’ cinematography enough; at the start, when the Hales are living in the South, Helstone is bathed in a golden glow. It never seems to rain, it’s always sunny, and the colors are all bright. But when the Hales move to Milton, it’s just the opposite. The atmosphere is dull, and smoky. The sun never seems to show itself and Margaret (and all the characters) dress in dark, muted colors. But as time goes on, the atmosphere in Milton ever so subtly brightens. No – it does not become all sunny and clean in Milton, but the atmosphere brightens almost imperceptibly, to show how Margaret is becoming a part of the community. When she makes her trip to Helstone toward the end of the story, it is still sunny there, but the scene is darkened just enough to show the audience that Margaret is no longer at home there.

North and South is as passionately romantic a series as can be, but it does not stint on examining the problems of society. It’s not didactic or preachy (masters bad – workers good) but instead allows its characters to have their share of strengths and weaknesses. Mrs. Gaskell believed that cooperation and communication between the owners and the workers would lead to a better system. As the series ends, Margaret Hale and John Thornton prepare to do just that.

by Ellen Micheletti


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Elaine s
Elaine s
03/12/2020 2:51 am

I’ve decided to treat myself to the DVD as I found it on Amazon for under £5. I watched when it first came out years ago but after reading Dabney’s song of praise thought I should have a re-watch. Also, though I don’t listen to audio books, wanted to check out Richard Armitage (and his much admired voice) to see if I might be persuaded to re-think that.

03/11/2020 10:14 pm

I have to confess, I have only ever known about the John Jakes North and South book and mini-series. Now I can’t wait to stop by the library and pick up the Elizabeth Gaskell book. Thank you!

stl reader
stl reader
Reply to  LeeF
03/12/2020 9:42 am

LeeF, if you have the option of getting the movie (aired in 2004), I personally found it much more enjoyable and accessible than the 1854 novel, which I read afterward.

I notice it’s available via Mobius, if your library participates in some sort of inter-library-loan service.

Reply to  stl reader
03/12/2020 7:17 pm

I think like Elaine S (see her comments below) I am just going to bite the bullet and buy the DVD. Plus I borrowed the audiobook so am set for what sounds like a happy experience :-)

Nan De Plume
Nan De Plume
03/11/2020 8:45 pm

Speaking of “North and South,” there is an American miniseries from the 1980s with the exact same title that is completely unrelated starring a young and relatively unknown Patrick Swayzee. Series 1 and 2 are excellent melodramatic storylines about two families that later become one family through marriage who are torn apart by the Civil War. A lot of people have called it “Gone with the Wind” for television. It is more of a historical fiction than romance series, although there are romances and some steamy moments in it, but I just wanted to mention it for clarification. Also, I really enjoyed it on DVD. Just keep in mind a lot of it is over the top and contains quite a few plot-convenient pregnancies.

Reply to  Nan De Plume
03/11/2020 9:36 pm

Nan, I always have to tell people when I recommend North and South “not the American miniseries with Patrick Swayze” Lol. Of course back in the day I loved that one as well and I am pretty sure I have all my fuzzy homemade VHS tapes of it somewhere still. It was so gloriously over the top, it was like Dynasty set during the American Civil War. It had everything but Joan Collins in it. Actually it had Elizabeth Taylor which is even better! And Nolan Miller of Dynasty fame designed the gorgeous but not super accurate gowns!

03/11/2020 6:40 pm

Dare i say i love North and South even more than the
Colin Firth adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. Richard Armitage was perfection. Talk about brooding gorgeousness .

Reply to  Kris
03/11/2020 9:32 pm

I definitely felt more for Mr. Thornton than Mr. Darcy. He had the weight of the world on his shoulders yet was always trying to improve himself and do what was right. Mr. Darcy is obviously far more privileged and if had to choose between the two I would pick Richard Armitage/John Thornton as well! I am not sure if I could choose between the two series though as I really love them both for their faithfulness to the books and the brilliant casts and productions.

Lynda X
Lynda X
03/11/2020 5:56 pm

Years ago, thanks to this site, I watch N&S. Expecting more of a romance in the beginning, it took a few episodes for me to like it, and then the romance finally kicked in, and oh, boy, what an ending! (You can watch the ending on You-Tube, if you want to eat your dessert first.) I agree: it is one of the most romantic scenes in a series or a movies that I’ve ever seen. I don’t think I will ever forget the beautiful and nightmarish scene of the lint from the cotton floating in the air. All the beauty of an indoor snowstorm, but we know that it causes illness and death. I loved the series because it was complex, and the romance was fascinating and ultimately, fulfilling.

Reply to  Lynda X
03/11/2020 9:28 pm

Yes, it’s such a brilliant story and so gripping! The scenes with the cotton flying about like snow and then the one with John Thornton saying “turn around” are just so beautifully shot. I am also surprised no one has brought up Mr. Bates from Downton Abbey has a large role in it too.

Reply to  Chrisreader
03/11/2020 11:16 pm

I wrote a piece all about how I fell for Bates’s character Nicholas Higgins instead of Thornton!

Reply to  CarolineAAr
03/12/2020 4:40 pm

That was a fun read! While I would still pick John Thornton I do agree with all your points about what a great man Nicolas Higgins is.
Have you ever seen (or read) Catherine Cookson’s The Glass Virgin? In the TV adaptation from 1995 you can watch Brendan Coyle as the “lower class” guy who eventually (after a lot of drama) gets the “lady”. Catherine Cookson is one author who isn’t afraid to cross class barriers in her stories but in a very realistic way.

stl reader
stl reader
03/11/2020 3:10 pm

chrisreader, Some years ago I emailed our local PBS (public television) affiliate, asking them to consider running Gaskell’s North & South. I had never seen it aired on public television. (I had already seen it, courtesy of our county library.) I received no answer.

To me, it’s exactly the kind of thing viewers of Masterpiece Theater (I guess now it’s just Masterpiece) would love. I cannot figure out what the situation was, that N&S never seemed to get airtime on PBS. Or maybe it did, but just not where I live.

Also: After first watching N&S, I spent a lot of time over at the C19 proboards website reading John Thornton/Margaret Hale fanfic. Good times. ;-)

Reply to  stl reader
03/11/2020 4:07 pm

I did see North and South on Masterpiece on my local PBS station back in the 2000s. I don’t think they’ve replayed it though. They do occasionally replay some of the productions that were aired decades ago, but not often. There were some good shows.

Reply to  stl reader
03/11/2020 9:25 pm

I don’t remember ever seeing it on my PBS station either although it’s possible I may have missed it. If it weren’t for the internet I never would have found it. I bought it on DVD but it was (or still is) available on Netflix I think? For a while all or most of it was on YouTube as well. That’s where I get a lot of my Catherine Cookson fix as well. Anyone else also love The Moth with Jack Davenport?

03/11/2020 1:38 pm

This is simply one of the best mini series ever produced for television. It’s very faithful to the book in terms of plot and dialogue and the changes they did make are very well done and necessary to adapt it to the small screen and for modern audiences.

The ending scene, while changed from the book, is probably one of the most romantic scenes I have ever watched. (And rewatched). I adore Richard Armitage and wish Daniela Denby-Ashe had a more visible career. She’s wonderful also.

I think the mother-son relationship between John and his mother Mrs. Thornton is probably one of the most accurate I’ve ever seen. She’s protective and jealous without ever becoming an outright villain. The way the two main characters grow and become more understanding people over the course of the book/movie is fantastic. They both are very intelligent, but have their flaws and they both learn from them.
The proposal scene gone awry is right up there with the one from Pride and Prejudice except I truly feel horrible for John Thornton as at that point he’s far more humble and far less deserving of a put down than Mr. Darcy was.
I really can not recommend this highly enough to anyone if that wonderful review above wasn’t enough to make you run to watch it.

stl reader
stl reader
03/11/2020 7:27 am

Seriously, the number of times I have watched the last few minutes of North & South (courtesy of the Internet) is insane.