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The Office Season Finale Surprise

If you watch The Office but haven’t seen the finale yet, stop reading.

It’s been almost a week, but I’m still freaking out about how the fifth season ended on Thursday night.  The Office is the only show I watch, but what I lack in diversity I make up for in enthusiasm.  I’ve probably watched the last minute and a half of the episode five times.

I’m sure we all love Jim and Pam– and how perfect was that ending?  As soon as the nurse asked Pam all of those pre-X-ray questions, I knew.  I’m sure it would have been amusing to see me as I watched.  I think I literally threw my arms in the air and squealed.  John Krasinski is just so wonderful– his reaction was so sweet, so charmingly natural, so perfect. I cannot wait to see where things go with this.

However, there were some other good things in addition to Pam and Jim’s news.  I love where the episode left Michael and Holly’s story.  And I think the way Dwight defended Angela has some interesting potential.  However, as great as those moments were, I still just cannot get over that last minute and a half… absolute perfection.  I can’t wait until next season.


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Lynn M
Lynn M
05/27/2009 11:50 am

John Krasinksi absolutely made that moment for me. His reaction was perfect and amazing – so natural. I also like how they keep the Pam/Jim relationship interesting even though it would have been so easily for them to fall into that post-kiss Sam/Diane trap where the tension is relieved and the couple becomes boring. Michael and Holly made me squirm, but their relationship is so perfect. I never thought there would be anyone tailor made for Michael, but Holly is his soul mate.

Danielle D
Danielle D
05/20/2009 3:23 pm

I have to admit that I didn’t see this coming!!!! This ending totally took me by surprise.

Sandy Coleman
Sandy Coleman
05/19/2009 9:54 am

I agree, Jane. I was a big fan of the BBC version and approached the US one with skepticism, but I have grown to love it a bit more, actually. Steve Carrell, Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski (and, yes, he is adorable) and Jenna Fischer are all just so incredible. And the writing is (usually) equally wonderful.

And, yep, it will be fun to see where Jim and Pam go!