The New Vera Wang
There’s a time and a place for sartorial experimentation. I don’t know if your wedding day is it, though.
One of my favorite time-wasting websites,, posts pictures of weddings at their un-classiest with snarky commentary. A recent photo was this one: a woman whose gown is, ostensibly, made from toilet paper. Honestly, being not too far off from those mummy-races where you wrap someone in toilet paper then make them hop to a finish line, my first thought when I saw this was, “How the hell did they keep it from ripping?” If they managed that feat of engineering, I can’t help but be impressed. I just wouldn’t get too crazy on the dance floor, if I were her.
Another option, for those environmentally conscious: the Cake Dress.
Excellent work; …thank you for sharing.! Marx Callabrass
You are a very smart and talented writer! I’ve been reading your article content for an hour or so and it has made me reconsider this issue. I think you have great insight. Thank you.
Wonderful article! I appreciate good writing and this is just that; really good writing. You kept me interested from the first sentence to the last and I agree completely on each point you’ve made here.
Cashmere, the toilet paper, used to run a semi-annual toilet paper dress contest, or wedding dress, or something like that. Some pretty interesting creations.
Gosh, that cake dress is something else. Rather creative though.
Jane, this is great! What an entertaining website. I especially liked the Mickey Mouse cake on page 5. I forwarded this to my newly wedded daughter. Well, she’ll really be married 2 years this April, but it seems like yesterday. We all had such fun.