The Best of 2020 – Maggie’s List
My best book of 2020 was not a romance, though it did have a romantic subplot. The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James was perfection in book form and was the highlight of my reading year. Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, which also had a sweet romance running through it, was a close second. If you like mystery, suspense and a touch of horror combined with your romance, these are the books for you.
If not, you’re in luck! I also found several absolutely fabulous romance reads and they are as follows:
Party of Two by Jasmine Guillory
When Olivia Monroe meets Senator Max Powell they have a fun, flirty conversation regarding the importance of cake being the centerpiece of a quality dessert menu. They part ways amicably, both a bit sad they won’t be seeing each other again. But of course they do meet again, sparks fly and an epic romance is born. The author balances politics, love and work so perfectly in this humorous, sweet, sexy tale that it earned my vote for best of the year against some stiff competition.
Buy it at: Amazon, Audible, or your local independent bookstore
Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews
This is the second full-length chapter in the love story between Catalina Baylor and Alessandro Sagredo and it delivers an HEA worth waiting for. Action, adventure, and of course romance, combine in this sweet, riveting urban fantasy story that is loads of fun.
Buy it at: Amazon, Audible, or your local independent bookstore
Snapped by Alexa Martin
I was a bit wary about this book based on controversial real life events but I shouldn’t have been. Martin’s talent was up to the challenge and this tale about quarterback Quinton Howard Jr., who takes a knee during the National Anthem at the start of his games, and Elliot Reed, assigned by his team to put the best possible spin on the situation, was wonderful. Romantic, sexy, mature, funny and full of heart this romance shows that romance mixed with contemporary politics can deliver winning love stories.
Buy it at: Amazon, Audible, or your local independent bookstore
The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon
Workplace romances are often disastrous as authors often fail to deliver a genuine employment experience. Not the case here where Samiah Brooks and hero Daniel Collins deliver a realistic, enjoyable, heartfelt romance that takes place in a true to life work environment. Rochon has a gift for showcasing grown women living their best lives and killing at adulting and this book is no exception. I absolutely loved it.
Buy it at: Amazon, Audible, or your local independent bookstore
If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane
This was an absolutely lovely, wonderful, witty, heartfelt genuine romance. Most of the time I spent reading the story, I alternated between amazement and delight; amazed at the craftsmanship the author displayed and delighted by the story she was telling.Laurie and Jamie, our heroine and hero, make such a real soul connection in this tale and I can not recommend it enough.
Buy it at: Amazon or shop at your local independent bookstore
A Gilded Lady by Elizabeth Camden
This inspirational is light on faith and heavy on love and history. Caroline Delacroix is secretary to First Lady Ida McKinley, an irascible woman who makes her job a challenge. Nathaniel Trask is a bodyguard to the President, a demanding position made all the more stressful by the fact he feels unequal to the task. Sparks fly when they first meet and kindle into romance as their respective positions force them to work closely together. One of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors.
Buy it at: Amazon, Audible or your local independent bookstore
The Ippos King by Grace Draven
This third installment in the Wraith Kings series was worth the wait. Fantasy and romance blend perfectly in this story about warlord Serovek Pangion and fierce, fiery sha-Anhuset, the Kai woman he admires and desires most. Their epic journey to return a lost monk to his final resting place finds them battling enemies, outsmarting a king and falling in love. I loved how the author balanced the power dynamic between these two alphas to deliver a strong, powerful lasting love.
Buy it at: Amazon
The Library of Legends by Janie Chang
Hu Lian and Liu Shao find themselves on a romantic journey which will involve celestial beings, the gods, and a long trek through a war torn land. This beautifully written, evocative fantasy combines the history and legends of China to deliver a sweet romantic tale which challenges what it means to truly love another.
Buy it at: Amazon, Audible or your local independent bookstore
Vanessa Yu’s Magical Paris Tea Shop by Roselle Lim
While this story isn’t perfect, I loved the writing and whimsical magical surrealistic elements that turned this tale into a fantastical, whimsical delight. Vanessa Yu had been told her magic would prevent her from ever finding a mate – and then she meets Marc Santos and decides she won’t let love go without first putting up a heck of a fight. This book is the perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea, some chocolate, a warm blanket and a free afternoon.
Buy it at: Amazon, Audible, or your local independent bookstore
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade
I had a few quibbles with this love story between a gorgeous, beef-cake Hollywood star and his clever geologist heroine but I thoroughly enjoyed the ups, downs and turnarounds in their affair and was mostly charmed and delighted by this fun flirty romance.
Agreed on many of these!
Cool! I have several books you DIK’d on my tbr so I’m looking forward to your list to see if I missed any. :-)
Out of your list, I only read one book – The Ippos King, which I loved. I just hope we don’t have to wait as long for the next book in the series. I haven’t spent much time this year reading romance – I’ve read more mystery and thrillers. I will add the 2 you rated the highest to my tbr (Sundown Motel and Mexican Gothic). I do have tbe Ilona Andrews series on my tbr already. Good list – thanks for sharing.
If you loved the Ippos King I am pretty sure you will love the Andrews books and Sun Down Motel. Happy Reading!
I enjoyed The Sun Down Motel as well although it’s not my favorite of Simone St. James’ novels. I had some problems with how she resolved one person’s plot. I did enjoy the plot twists and the sense of dread she is able to imbue. Having an 80’s setting was an interesting change for the “historical story” (guess I’m even older than I thought). It was also very female-centric with several interesting female characters who certainly passed the Bechdel test!
I’m glad it was remembered on a list as often times the later releases can tend to push the ones from earlier in the year out of people’s minds.
I liked the female centric cast of Sun Down, too. And I loved how the women resolved things when they couldn’t get the men to pay attention to them.
It was hard to believe the books I read for January/February belonged to the same year as the books I read for the latter part of the year. Life shifted so much it just felt like there should have been more time between them.
I know exactly what you mean, anything before March of this year feels like years ago now!
The Sun Down Motel was excellent. Not as spooky as her other stories, which was good. She’s got a knack for scary stories. :)
She really does have a knack for the spooky stuff! I love her books.
Out of your list, I’ve read & liked 2 (Emerald Blaze & The Ippos King), have 2 tbr (Party of Two & The Boyfriend Project), and already have 3 on my tbb list waiting for ebook prices I’m willing to pay.
Great minds think alike! I know you like humor so I think you will really enjoy Party of Two.
If I Never Met You made my list as well! I ended up DNFing The Boyfriend Project though… I think I’m the only one who just found it dull.
Nope, I DNFed too.
I hadn’t read Mhairi McFarlane and was delighted at how great this book is. I’m excited to read more of her stuff.
I was interested in I Never Met You but apparently the hero is absent for much of the book so I gave it a pass.
I wouldn’t say he was absent for much of the book. The first few chapters are dealing with Laurie’s breakup and setting her life up so that she is ready for the meet cute/meet weird with Jamie but he is present for the bulk of the story.
Thank you, I may reconsider.
Me too! Really, really liked If I Never Met You but Boyfriend just didn’t work for me. Spoiler Alert also a favorite this year. And I need to get back to the Draven work. Loved the first one but need to surface the next two!
I love Grace Draven’s Wraith Kings. I felt book two wasn’t quite as strong as one and three but it was still very, very good.
It’s the rare trilogy that all the books are equally good.
Emerald Blaze is the second book of Catalina’s trilogy. Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews will be released in 2021.
Oops – I’ll amend the post.
Sorry, I thought the series was done with the short story and two books. So glad to hear that is not the case (although I can’t wait to get to Arabella’s series after reading TheCool Aunt)
Actually, here’s a note from the author’s website regarding Ruby Fever:
This is one thing I hate about unpublished sequels. You never know when (or if) they’re coming.