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The Best of 2015: Heather’s List

Some years are stellar reading years, while others are just meh. Fortunately for me, I’ve had the joy of reading several exceptional books this year. So without further ado, in no particular order, here is my Top 10 list of 2015, with one bonus book since I’m a rebellious kind of girl.

The Companion Contract by Solace Ames. I adored this utterly unique story of an adult film star who accepts a job as a paid companion to a rockstar in recovery and then falls for his bandmate. The characters are richly drawn and I felt like we were old friends by the conclusion. Now I need Miles’s story asap.

Rock Hard by Nalini Singh. What happens when you throw a timid, though not really, woman together with a powerful CEO known for being difficult? They challenge one another, make you laugh out loud, and fall gloriously in love.

The Game Plan by Kristen Callihan. I’m not a huge reader of the New Adult genre, but this story of the culmination of years of longing is enough to make me reconsider. Ethan Dexter is a great hero, the sort of solid guy everyone depends on. Plus, he’s a virgin.

A Desperate Fortune by Susanna Kearsley. Honestly, I didn’t love the modern-day romance storyline, but the lush historical one more than makes up for it.

Behind the Mask by Carolyn Crane. Breathless suspense combine with sizzling hot romance in the fourth book in The Associates series. Fascinating characters, great chemistry, and tight plotting – basically everything I’ve come to expect from this author.

Forbidden by Charlotte Stein. I wasn’t sure going in if a book starring a young man about to become a priest was for me. I was so, so wrong. Sensitive and thought-provoking, this story will stay with you long after you turn the final page.

Fever Pitch by Heidi Cullinan. Unforgettable characters fight their attraction to one another while navigating the ins and outs of college life and family dynamics.

Dead Heat by Patricia Briggs. It’s not exactly traditional romance, but the Alpha and Omega series follows the werewolf adventures of Charles and Anna Cornick. This entry in the series finds Charles facing people from his past and confronting some of the deeds he has carried out over the years. Both characters develop in significant ways during the course of the book. The emotional connection between him and Anna shines brightly in this one.

After You by Jojo Moyes. I adored Me Before You even as it broke my heart. This, the sequel which follows Louisa after the events of the prior book unfold, put it back together again.

Everything I Left Unsaid/The Truth About Him by Molly O’Keefe. Intense emotions are combined with sensual romance and more than a little danger in this duology. Annie is the sort of heroine I love to read about. She breaks the chains of her past to love fearlessly. Both books must be read in order.

And one more, a December 2014 release, but I’m including it anyway since this is my list and it’s fun to break the rules occasionally!

Personal Geography by Tamsen Parker. Again, I’m not the biggest fan of BDSM romances, but this book blew my expectations apart, far exceeding what I thought it would be. Three dimensional characters with actual baggage, not high school melodrama, to sort through made this an interesting, worthwhile read.***

I’m a slow reader compared to most of my colleagues. I tend to savor words, turning them over in my mind and letting them rattle around in my brain. I devoured many of these within 48 hours of beginning them. Each were strong, compelling reads that I found difficult to put down and even more difficult to end. My reading year was so good, I can’t wait to see what 2016 brings.


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Lynn AAR
Lynn AAR
02/09/2016 10:39 pm

I loved the Kearsley, too. I liked the modern-day story a bit more than you, I think, but the historical one was just beautiful.

I’m still on the fence about the Moyes books. They sound good, and I’ve heard good things from you and several other reviewers with similar tastes to mine. Not sure I can emotionally handle Me Before You, though.

HeatherS AAR
HeatherS AAR
Reply to  Lynn AAR
02/12/2016 12:06 am

I think I fell so in love with the historical thread in the Kearsley that it overshadowed the modern storyline for me. It was skillfully executed of course. It just didn’t spark my love like the historical line did.

I totally understand your reluctance to start the Moyes titles. I think what I loved most about Me Before You was that it struck the right balance for me between humor and sentimentality, as it’s poignant without being maudlin. But it is an emotional read and I may have gone through several boxes of tissues by the end.

02/08/2016 6:46 am

Nice post here

maggie b.
maggie b.
02/07/2016 9:10 pm

Really loved the Briggs’ books. I think Alpha and Omega is one of the most romantic paranormal series out there. I actually like it a bit better than the Mercy series since Mercy seems to exist solely to have the crap beat out of her.

Reply to  maggie b.
02/08/2016 10:15 am

I totally agree. I still love the Mercy series, but Charles and Anna have made such a strong showing in the past few books that they’re surpassing Mercy and Adam in my heart. They’re so well matched and complement one another perfectly.

02/07/2016 4:21 pm

Great list! I have not read any of these but I have read the first book in Carolyn Crane’s series and have been wanting to read more. All of them have been getting high praise. I intend to read Kearsley this year for the first time and am looking forward to that as her books are well-received. Singh’s Rock Hard has great reviews but I really dislike boss/secretary stories and so will probably give that a miss.

Reply to  Blackjack1
02/08/2016 10:08 am

Thank you! Carolyn Crane’s Associate series is a favorite of mine. The balance of action/suspense, romance, and character development is top-notch. I think you’ll like the Kearsley books as well, though they tend to begin very slowly and build gradually. The Rose Garden is my favorite, but I think I’m in the minority on that.

If boss/secretary isn’t your thing, you may want to pass on Rock Hard. But I will say Charlie holds her own with the T-Rex (her nickname for her boss) and their interactions had me literally laughing out loud.

02/07/2016 4:09 pm

Enjoyed both the Kearsley and Moyes’ books.

Reply to  LeeB.
02/08/2016 9:51 am

I was on the fence about reading After You because how do you follow up a book like Me Before You? I’m so glad I gave it a go though. It was pitch perfect for Louisa’s character and provided an authentic feeling closure to her story.