Community | Dabney AAR | Polls
the ask@AAR: How are we doing?
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Happy May Day!
As you may have noticed, AAR’s look has been a bit unstable in the past couple of weeks. We were required to do updates that have not integrated well with our (often very old) coding. As I and I the tech staff work on repairing the site, I wanted to check with you. How do you think AAR is doing?
To that end, I’ve made up a poll. All responses will be anonymous so feel free to let us know what you really feel!
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(I’m getting an error message trying to “agree”, FYI. Says I’ve already voted.)
I’d like to vote for/reiterate everyone else’s comments here. I love AAR’s content and community. I’ve read other review sites over the years, and still occasionally check in on a few, but AAR is my “go to” site. The site overall helps me find books that I’m likely to enjoy reading, it helps me choose what to read vs. buy (since I do not have an unlimited book budget, this is really important), and provides me with a community of people who want to talk about the books I’ve read. It sounds pretty simple, but it is actually a tremendous amount of work and content because there are so many different ideas about what makes for an enjoyable read. AAR provides this for a really broad range of romance readers. I really appreciate everything you do to support all of us – even as we naturally subdivide ourselves based on our own reading tastes and interests.
Already working on implementing some of your fabulous suggestions.
Here’s one:
You can now see all the ask@AAR columns on one page! Here’s the link:
It’s by far the most egalitarian review site I’ve come across, and the focus on books geared mostly toward women is very refreshing. We seem to be able to have fun without being snarky, we love our genre, and are respectful of other viewpoints. I also REALLY appreciate that the visual format isn’t ‘busy’. Other review sites are often so full of eye candy that it can be hard to find what you’re looking for. The flashing memes, vivid colors, banners, etc., just overwhelm my eyes and put me off. I like books because they are peaceful; I want that in a book review site as well. And I have found it here!
Overall, you guys do a great job and I enjoy the reviews and the discourse that I find here. Thanks!
I agree with all the comments posted here so far.
Like @chrisreader said, the comment section is great. This is the only place where I comment regularly because so many other websites become quickly hostile to those with differing opinions or have little tolerance for commenters going on tangents. For example, I agree with @DiscoDollyDeb that it is nice AAR has an exclusive focus on books, but I also feel welcome to make comparisons with movies and other media in the comments.
There is also an intelligent warmth here at AAR that doesn’t reek of cliquishness. The open comment policy really fosters that, and I hope it never changes.
I particularly like the fact that AAR is entirely focused on books—not movies, tv shows, or other media. I like the in-depth reviews and the fact that there are always plenty of quotes from and references to elements in the book being reviewed. On some sites, a review consists of, “This book is so good, but I can’t tell you anything about it. You just have to read it!” That’s not a review that’s a blurb.
I’m jumping on the bandwagon to reiterate my position that this is the best romance and review site, period. I think it’s the most respectful of the genre in the way the reviews and articles are presented. It takes the authors’ work seriously without being stuffy or boring.
I know that no type of fiction is “brain surgery” or is going to cure cancer, but romance seldom gets the kind of careful consideration or respect that others genres do. I think that’s a shame because there are a lot of talented writers producing excellent work in various romance genres and it means a great deal to the people who read it.
I also think the commenters here are particularly well read and respectful. The discussions and recommendations after the reviews or in comment sections are as valuable to me as the reviews themselves. Reading is by its nature a solitary business, so to get that kind of informed discussion and feed back is incredibly interesting to me. It’s opened my eyes on a lot of things relating to the books I’ve read and I think it’s done a lot to foster new authors and diversity amongst authors and genres.
Keep up the great work!
Wow thus far, the answers are so helpful! Thank you. Keep ’em coming!
I think AAR is the best review site around. You review a variety of books and sub-genres. The reviews are thoughtful and well-written and if a reviewer has issues with a book they spell that out. I appreciate this since it allows me to decide if these things would bother me.. on some sites every book gets 4-5 stars and that reduces its credibility IMHO. Your reviews are honest and you are not afraid to give a book a C, A D, or a DNF.
This is my favourite romance review site. Please keep up the good work! I’m glad to hear you’re still working on improving the site :)
AAR is head and shoulders above every review site I have come across in the last 20 years. Otherwise I woild not have a look-in nearly every day!! Keep up the good work! :-)