
Tessa Dare Winners + Reminder

Congratulations to the winners of our Tessa Dare giveaway. They are JB Hunt, Jenny, Amber E. Collie, Alicet, Rossi, Carina Sommers, Laurel, Susan B, and Stacy S. Hope you enjoy One Dance With a Duke!

Thank you also to Tessa Dare and to the wonderful crew at Random House for making this interview and giveaway possible!

On another note, don’t forget that voting over at Cover Cafe ends on Friday, May 28, 2010. As much as I complain about bad covers, I do like to see the good ones get recognized, so I enjoy the annual cover contest a lot. If you haven’t voted, check it out!

– Lynn Spencer


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05/24/2010 8:31 am

Thanks so much! I can’t wait to launch into this new series.