November TBR Challenge – Sugar and Spice
This month’s prompt for TBR Challenge was “Sweet or Spicy.” While most of the romances I read currently contain sex scenes, I think of erotic romance when I’m thinking of something truly spicy, and I see…
This month’s prompt for TBR Challenge was “Sweet or Spicy.” While most of the romances I read currently contain sex scenes, I think of erotic romance when I’m thinking of something truly spicy, and I see…
This month’s TBR prompt, Paranormal or Romantic Suspense, is always fun. Both subgenres cover a lot of ground, so there can be an embarrassment of riches when it comes to picking out something to read. This…
This month’s TBR Challenge prompt invites us to go into the Wayback Machine, or at least the Kinda Wayback Machine. Tasked with reading something more than ten years old, we both dug into our book stacks….
What can I say about August? It’s hot, we’re all feeling a little languid and lazy – it’s the perfect time to have a random book pick in the TBR Challenge. No theme, no worries, just…
Talk about an overwhelming prompt! This month we are challenged to read a contemporary romance for the TBR Challenge, and that leaves readers with an embarrassment of riches as contemporaries have been in high supply for…
I have to admit that I loved being prompted to read a historical this month. Historicals and gothics were my first loves, but my reading habits have evolved over time, and I don’t read as many…
Are you a book hoarder? Does your TBR pile more resemble a mountain – or a mountain range? If so, then this month’s TBR prompt would provide no trouble at all. There’s no restriction on genre…
This month’s TBR prompt challenged us to read something different, so we stepped outside our usual genre comfort zones. Caz dove into a highly recommended science fiction romance, while Lynn took on a YA paranormal romance….
There’s something comforting about picking up a romance knowing that it contains a favorite plot trope. When I’m feeling generally frazzled and irritated at the world, I like to pick up a book with a plot…
Authors and readers alike seem to love series. When an author builds a compelling world, one cannot help wanting to revisit again and again. So, with this month being series catch-up month on the TBR Challenge,…