The Best of 2021: Best Belated Reads
Every year I do a “Best Belated Reads” column to accompany my “Best of” column, because a lot of my year’s reading is not books that were published in that year. Here are some books I…
Every year I do a “Best Belated Reads” column to accompany my “Best of” column, because a lot of my year’s reading is not books that were published in that year. Here are some books I…
Every year, after we’ve run all our individual “Best of” lists, we ask each reviewer to choose their ONE favourite book of the year from their list. We’re an eclectic bunch when it comes to our…
According to Goodreads, I read eighty-two books (for the first time – my rereads would have put that number closer to 165) in 2021. I read across genres and glommed series. I DNF’d anything that didn’t…
I always struggle to whittle down my annual “Best of” list, although some years there are more clear winners than others. Fortunately for me (because I’m rubbish at choosing), that proved to be the case this…
I read more new books this year than usual, but it wasn’t easy. First, I tried to rekindle my love of domestic suspense books, but I got sick of naive heroines with the time to watch…
I’ve watched my preferred reading move away from historical romance and toward fantasy and paranormal in recent years, but there’s nothing like making a “Best Of” list to smack you in the face with how your…
I didn’t read as much this year as I usually do for a variety of reasons (pandemic included). When I couldn’t concentrate on books, I found myself binge watching a lot of television – reality shows…
Happy New Year! Given that I’ve never been able to keep a New Year’s resolution going for a whole year, I’ve given them up. Instead, I’ve become goal oriented. It’s a lot easier. In 2022, my…
I wrote a Best of 2021 So Far post that ran a month or so ago, and since then I’ve been reading frantically to see what would fill out my final post. (Every year, I delude…
Best of the Year lists are always a challenge for me, so I’ve restricted myself to books we’ve reviewed here at AAR. With that caveat out on the table, here goes. Interestingly, three-quarters of my list…