As we’ve had the coldest February for ages, I am relieved to find that some of my plants at least have survived. The snowdrops seem completely unharmed, which is especially grafifying since I only planted them last year, having been given some bulbs from my brother’s garden, so I am sentimentally attached to them.
The crocus also seem to be doing fine,
but I am not altogether sure about the tulips. Do these look like there will by a flower growing from them any time soon?
My neighbor has some wolf’s bane, and they bloom just beautifully. I am envious!
How well did your flowers survive the winter? Isn’t it delightful to see the first blooms now after all that cold and snow?
– Rike Horstmann
This has been the warmest winter we have ever had. I am Canadian and I usually have snow from December to March. This year we have been above zero most days and nights. I worry about the crops this year. Some areas in the prairies have no snow and warm weather which means there might be a shortage of water for the crops.
My garden is starting to sprout. This is a first as it has never happened to this degree in the 40 years I have lived here.
I see rose bushes showing green stems, pinks and iris pushing up as well as bulbs poking through. I am sure my daffodils will be early.
Until that happens I have my inside garden. Glass tables covered by potted tulips, primrose, miniature rose bushes and orchids . Except for the orchids the plants will be saved for the outdoor garden when they die back and the time is right.
I should do bulbs, but honestly I forget them and don’t think about flowers until spring. Also I planned a ton of tulips and none survived Lucas – my cocker spaniel. He thought that my freshly prepared flower bed was perfect for digging, and a great resting place.
My neighbor went to Holland about seven years ago, and brought me back some tulips. I just planted them around a tree, and they usually come up and bloom – well at least four of the bulbs did. She told me that I was the only one whose plants actually did something. Since they are not in an actual flower bed, I usually forget to check for them. I will have to do that today.