
Steals and Deals

This week has great steals and deals. Click on the book covers to go to Amazon.

Thanks and happy reading.

Caroline Linden’s I Love the Earl is just 1.99. We haven’t reviewed this one but we’ve given many of her other works high marks. Here’s the description from Amazon. Many other books are currently 4.99 which is still a good deal!

Margaret de Lacey has accepted her unmarried state with dignity, if not delight. She had no suitors when she was young and starry-eyed, though regrettably poor, and it’s unlikely any man will court her now that she’s older, wiser, and still just as penniless. Until, that is, her brother unexpectedly inherits the dukedom of Durham and settles an enormous dowry on her, making her the most eligible heiress in town. No gentleman in London is more in need of a wealthy bride than Rhys Corwen, Earl of Dowling. He contrives an introduction to Margaret because of her dowry, but she swiftly sets him right: no fortune hunter will win her heart or her hand. Far from put off, Rhys is intrigued. Interested. Entranced. And soon the only thing he needs more than Margaret’s fortune . . . is her love.

Texas Destiny is 1.99. The book was a DIK at AAR. Our reviewer wrote:

Texas Destiny is a Beauty and the Beast story, a road romance, and quite possible the most tear-inducing book I have ever read in my life. I’ve often thought if I could get a copy into the hands of all the fans of romance novels and then buy stock in the companies that make hankies, I would be a rich woman.

We also gave a DIK to A Rogue in Texas, also currently 1.99. Our reviewer wrote:

A Rogue in Texas shows Lorraine Heath’s ability to tell the story through the characters. She never stops the story dead in its tracks to give us background; instead characters and story are woven together into a seamless whole. I was enthralled throughout the book.

Several of Ms. Heath’s other books are on sale for 1.99. We’ve given a B or higher to:

It Started with a Scandal was a DIK at AAR. It’s currently 1.99.  Caz wrote:

The romance is a delicious slow-burn, full of sexual tension and wonderfully witty banter which, I readily admit, is my drug of choice when it comes to romance reading. But the book is so more than that – even as Lavay and Elise trade quips, they are becoming attuned to each other so that they learn almost as much about each other from what they don’t say as what they do. Their conversations are as laced with poignancy as with wit, which is one of the things that elevates this story from being a mere “feelgood” romance with lots of great, sexually-charged banter to being something far deeper. One particular moment pin-pointed this for me – a conversation about home which shows the importance of such a thing to both characters. Eloise lost hers when her parents disowned her and Philippe lost his in a much more violent way, but eventually they both come to see that home really IS where the heart is.

The Perils of Pleasure (also 1.99) was a DIK too. Rike wrote:

The journey that Colin and Madeleine take together is very much one of finding trust – after all, each starts off thinking the other is a criminal. At the same time, the two are strongly attracted to each other, and I loved the scenes where they feel this attraction, but curse the terrible timing. When they finally act on this attraction, the sex is steamy and described in a comparatively original way (without anything kinky going on). But there are, I should point out, just two sex scenes and only a certain amount of lusting. All in all, I would rate the novel warm bordering on hot.

Tessa Dare’s Say Yes to the Marquess is 1.99. We gave it a B+. Alexandra wrote:

Overall, I will say that I enjoyed Say Yes to the Marquess tremendously. While there were a few moments that bothered me, such as the return of Piers, on the whole I found it charming and rather funny. The only reason I cannot quite consider it a DIK is that I’m not ready to reread it, which is my general requirement for something to be given a mark in the A range. If there were such a grade as a B++ I would award it to this book, but as things stand I am happy to say that it has cemented my belief in Ms. Dare’s skill as an author.

We also gave a B+ to Romancing the Duke which is also 1.99. Caz wrote:

Ms. Dare is justly renowned for her ability to write sharp, witty banter, and she has penned some terrific exchanges between Ransom and Izzy. In addition, both protagonists are very well-drawn, engaging characters who clearly need each other very much. Not because Ransom is blind and needs Izzy’s eyes, or because Izzy is destitute and needs his money, but because Ransom is the first man to actually see Izzy for what she is – a woman with a true and loving heart and a lot to offer to any man. In her mind she’s plain, but Ransom, who can’t see her face but who knows the feel and scent of her, the sound of her husky voice, knows that on the inside, she’s a beautiful temptress.

Readers give high marks to HelenKay Dimon’s Bad Boy series. Two of them and a novella are on sale right now.

J.T. Ellison’s Where All the Dead Lie is 1.99. We haven’t reviewed this but we gave her No One Knows a B+. The book is almost a 5 star read at Amazon. Here’s the description:

In her showdown with the murderous Pretender, a bullet taken at close range severed the connection between Taylor Jackson’s thoughts and speech. Effectively mute, there’s no telling if her voice will ever come back. Trapped in silence, she is surrounded by ghosts—of the past, of friendships and trusts lost…of a lost faith in herself and her motives that night. 

When Memphis Highsmythe offers Taylor his home in the Scottish Highlands to recuperate, her fiancé can’t refuse her excitement, no matter his distrust of the man. At first, the drafty and singularly romantic castle seems the perfect place for healing. But shortly the house itself surrounds her like a menacing presence. As Taylor’s sense of isolation and vulnerability grows, so, too, does her grip on reality. 

Someone or something is coming after Taylor. But is she being haunted by the dead…or hunted by the living?

Cara McKenna writes erotic romance. Willing Victim is one of those books many love. (It’s been reviewed by over 7000 readers at Goodreads where it’s got a 3.75 rating. Amazon readers are more favorable–it’s an almost 5 star read there.) Dabney read it and liked it. She says it’s very sexy although the ending isn’t as resolved as she might have liked. It’s just 2.49.

Long before everyone else got on the gonzo alpha male, sex obsessed, private security firm hero, Shannon McKenna created the McClouds and friends. These books are just so much fun if you’re into over the top sex, suspense, dialog and uber-evil villains. This bundle is the first seven books for JUST 19.99! Most of these were B reviews from us. (Although Dabney would give an A to Extreme Danger–it’s one of her favorite books.)  This is a steal for those who love hot hot romantic suspense.

Several of Robin D. Owens’s books have been DIKs at AAR. Enchanted No More is 1.99. We haven’t reviewed this one. Readers say it’s a fun read and the romance doesn’t overwhelm the fantasy. Here’s the Amazon description:

As one of the last surviving Mistweavers, half-blood Jenni knows what it’s like to be caught between two worlds: the faery and the human. But the time has come to choose. The Lightfolk require her unique talent for balancing the elements to fend off a dangerous enemy—and rescue her missing brother.

Only for Rothly will Jenni deal with those who destroyed her life. Only for him will she agree to work with her ex-lover, Tage, and revisit the darkest corners of her soul. For a reckoning is at hand, and she alone has the power to hold back the forces of dark….



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Caroline Linden
Caroline Linden
04/13/2016 5:58 pm

Avon Romance put all their RITA finalist books on sale for two weeks: http://avonromance.com/congratulations-to-our-ritar-finalists/