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Speaking of Audiobooks: Giveaway Plus Author and Narrator Interviews (Giveaway Closed)

The Madness of I MacWhen I discovered that Tantor was set to release Jennifer Ashley’s The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie on March 26th, I enthusiastically shared the news far and wide.  Published in 2009, it’s a favorite among romance readers winning Best Romance of 2009 in AAR’s Annual Reader Poll and ranking #10 in AAR’s 2010 Top 100 Romance Poll.  In print, we were mesmerized by hero Ian Mackenzie and, in audio, we hope to move the entire experience up a notch by actually hearing him interact in his matter-of-fact manner as he determinedly pursues Beth.

Today, we are celebrating the release of this much loved book with a giveaway and interviews with both author Jennifer Ashley and narrator Angela Dawe.

The Giveaway

We are giving away FIVE MP3 CD copies of The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie courtesy of Tantor Audio.  Place your name in the hat by commenting on this column by 11:59 p.m. eastern time on Thursday, March 22nd. Due to the cost of postage, the giveaway is open only to listeners in the U.S. and Canada.  We encourage multiple comments in our discussion, but you will only be entered in the contest once.  If you review for another Web site or blog, please don’t enter.  The winner will be notified by email on Friday morning and will have 24 hours to respond.  Another winner will be selected on Saturday morning if the winner has not responded.  Audiobooks will be mailed to the winners upon release of The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie.

Talking with Jennifer Ashley

Welcome Jennifer to Speaking of Audiobooks.  We are so pleased to have you with us today.  Your first audiobook was released less than two years ago so I imagine the entire audio experience still feels rather new.  How did it all begin for you?  Were you familiar with romance audiobooks?

I’ve listened to audiobooks off and on for a while now–love them for traveling!  Most of the audiobook experience is out of the hands of the author.  We (or the publisher) let audiobook producers know that the rights to our novels are available, and then the audiobook house makes an offer (or doesn’t).  That offer can go through an author’s agent or through the publisher, depending on who holds the rights.  Sometimes audio rights are sold by the publisher before the print book is published, resulting in a simultaneous print and audio release; sometimes the audio rights are not sold at all.

After the contracts are signed, the audiobook house makes the audiobook–however they do it!  I usually only see (or hear, rather) the finished product.  I always hope for a great narrator!

I see you have four books available in audio format at this time.  What were your thoughts when you heard your first book in audio?

Actually, there are five: Four Jennifer Ashleys–the three Immortals books and Pride Mates (Shifters Book 1).  The fifth: Tantor did a nice production of the Hexed anthology, for which I contributed a story set in my Stormwalker world, which I write as Allyson James.  It was so much fun to hear the Stormwalker characters come to life!  That’s less of a romance universe, more urban fantasy, and it has a diverse cast.  Fun!

It was a very cool experience to hear my first book in audio.  The words sound very different when read back to you!  I do love hearing the characters come to life.  Most narrators are good at catching the nuances of each of them.

Jennifer AshleyThere were shouts of joy from romance listeners when we discovered that The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie was slated for release in audio format.  I’m sure you are aware that it is a vastly popular book among romance readers.  Ian Mackenzie is a most unusual hero – a mix of those strengths we love to see in our heroes combined with a form of autism.  Can you tell us about this form of autism that makes his life so challenging?


Thanks!  As most readers correctly guessed, Ian Mackenzie has Asperger’s Syndrome, which is considered high-functioning autism.  My research showed that many people with Asperger’s do fine in life, while others are at the more challenged end of the scale.  Also, AS people exhibit a variety of traits, so one AS person is not going to be exactly like another.  I never stated what Ian has in the book, because, of course, autism and AS weren’t recognized until the twentieth century.

Writing Ian was a challenge, but not as much as everyone might think.  I did a lot of research–best was talking to or reading blogs of people with AS.  Then I simply put myself into Ian’s shoes.  I share some of Ian’s traits–for example, I hate crowds and will avoid them as much as possible.  Making small talk is always hard for me too.  I sympathize with Ian about things like that, and, like him, wonder why we’re expected to do it!

The biggest challenge in writing Ian was his dialog.  In most books characters respond easily to each other–statement, response, response to that response, and so on. Ian, however, speaks in non sequiturs.  You might say you enjoyed going to a museum, he’d answer that it’s cold outside.  To him it is a perfectly logical answer–he’d gone through steps to get to the conclusion that it was cold outside without showing you the intervening steps.

So, for example, I’d come up with a natural response to one of Beth’s lines of dialog, then I’d have to stop and think–no, what would Ian say to this.  It’s important to do that for all characters, of course, but with Ian, there was no letting the words flow unchecked!  I went over every scene he was in about a dozen times, making tweak after tweak.

What inspired you to write a hero with Asperger’s syndrome?

When Ian Mackenzie walked into my head, I knew he was “mad,” but I wasn’t sure in what way.  I watched him for a while, trying to figure out what would best fit him.  I knew he had autism pretty quickly, but that it was high-functioning.  The more I learned about Asperger’s the more I knew that’s what fit Ian.

The development of Ian was a meld of my character and my research, but Ian’s personality was always loud and clear to me (the whole Mackenzie family is like that).  Ian was a fairly well-formed character from the moment he sprang into my brain, and I had to wait around to find out more about him before I started writing (and then I abandoned four drafts of his book before I got going on the final one).  Ian always has to do things his own way.

I’m certain society was largely uninformed about psychological and developmental disorders in 1881.  Your descriptions of his treatments are certainly chilling and added to the formation of Ian’s character as an adult.  How did you approach writing about such a disorder in this historical context?

I read quite a bit about perceptions of madness in the late Victorian period, including the procedure to get someone declared mad.  It wasn’t as easy as you might think to get a commission to rule madness–they were well aware that people might try to game the system (nothing ever changes)–for example, a family might try to get an inheritance by having an elderly family member declared insane.

There was a long interview with the candidate, and the entire committee had to agree that he or she was truly mad.  The committee’s decision could be reversed later if evidence came to light that the person wasn’t mad after all.

I saw in my research that asylums really did try to be kind and help people (of course, the richer the patients, the more they tried to help).  The ideas on how to cure them seem a bit barbaric now, but who knows how people in one hundred years will view what we do?  While I’m sure there were doctors, like Ian’s, who simply wanted to show off, get funding, and be talked about, others really did try to help.  But psychiatry was in its infancy at the time (William James and Freud would come later), and considered a branch of philosophy.  There was a lot of trial and error, some of which caught poor Ian.

As the first in the Highland Pleasure series, The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie was released in 2009.  I see that the print release of the fourth book of the series, The Duke’s Perfect Wife, is scheduled for April 3rd.  Can you tell us about it?

I’m thrilled that The Duke’s Perfect Wife is around the corner.

The Duke’s Perfect Wife is the story of the oldest Mackenzie brother, Hart, who was so overly protective of Ian in Ian’s book.  Hart has a lot of baggage, he is confronted by the woman who jilted him in the past (Eleanor Ramsay), and she of course, starts to drive him crazy.  We see what made Hart the way he is, what happened to him over the years, how Ian’s new happiness has affected Hart, and Hart’s path to love.  I have always had a great fondness for Hart Mackenzie.  The misunderstood always tug at my heart.

There is much of Ian in Duke’s Perfect Wife. Hart and Ian have always shared a special bond, which I wanted to show in Hart’s story.

It is not, however, the last book in the Mackenzies series.  I will be writing stories about Daniel, Cameron Mackenzie’s son, and the brothers of Ainsley, the heroine of The Many Sins of Lord Cameron. Elliot McBride is first up, and I’m already falling in love with him.  :-)

It is my understand that as of now, the other books in the Highland Pleasure series are not scheduled for production in audio.  I’m sure many other romance listeners join me in hoping we see them in our personal listening libraries soon!

I’m not sure the status of the other Mackenzies books in audio.  Perhaps if Madness of Lord Ian does well, the others will follow.  Readers, if you want them, tell the audio book makers!!  They want to know.

Thanks so much for the interview!  I’m excited for the audio release of Madness of Lord Ian.



Now an Inside Look with Angela Dawe

With this, our sixth giveaway at Speaking of Audiobooks, Angela Dawe has narrated two of the featured titles – Nalini Singh’s Slave to Sensation and now The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie.

Angela DaweWelcome Angela!  We have great respect for romance narrators here at Speaking of Audiobooks as we understand the considerable amount of acting skill it takes to pull off a successful audiobook.  Can you tell us about your acting/narrating background?

I’ve been acting since I was a child, doing community theater all through childhood and high school, then professional theater after college.  I’ve done everything from Shakespeare to Shepard, which has given me a great range of experience to bring to the world of audiobooks, since the genres are so varied.  Currently I’m employed by The Second City, a world-renowned comedy theater based in Chicago.  As far as narrating audiobooks, I’ve had the pleasure of doing that for nearly three years, and in that time I’ve done dozens of titles, including a lot of romance novels!  My favorite titles span a wide range of genres, from Young Adult to historical fiction to, of course, romance.

In looking over your past romance narrations, I see many paranormal and contemporary titles.  It looks as though you have narrated few if any historical romances.  What did you find different about narrating a historical romance?

I love the details in historical romances – the little things that were different in another time period.  Also, the heightened language is really fun; sometimes I wish we still talked like that!

Ian Mackenzie is most definitely a complex hero.  He touches the reader with his outright maleness as well as his autistic nature, which makes him both an outspoken and truly vulnerable character.  How did you prepare for your performance of Ian?

I really wanted Ian to have a softness about him, despite his description as being hard in every way physically.  His autistic nature made him so vulnerable, and the way he cared for Beth showed such a tenderness, I wanted to make sure that tenderness shone through in the characterization.  For that reason, I made his voice a little on the soft side.  I hope that that vulnerability shows in the way I performed him.

Did you find performing his character particularly challenging?

I didn’t.  A character like Ian, whose behavior is so broad and who’s drawn with such broad strokes, really speaks for himself.  I just tried to play him as humanly as possible, and let his actions do a lot of the talking.

Although I just reread The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie last week in preparation for this column, I’m anxiously awaiting the audio version.  As a personal favorite in print, I plan on it being gold in audio.

I hope you’re right!  I had fun recording this one, and I can see why it’s such a favorite.  Ian is a truly memorable character, and so is Beth, for that matter.  It was a pleasure playing such an intelligent, spunky heroine, to say nothing of the fun of portraying Ian.

Do you have any projects in the works that you can share with us?

I’m currently working on a romance called Highland Vowby Hannah Howell, which takes place in 15th century Scotland.  Playing Lord Ian and his brothers warmed me up for the Scottish brogue, which is one of the most lyrical and fun accents to do.  I hope listeners enjoy my take on the Scottish accent!

Thanks to both Jennifer and Angela for this inside look at the writing and performance of The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie.  They will both be stopping by if you wish to comment or ask a question.

Ending Notes

I’m announcing news for the Speaking of Audiobooks column and other audio tidbits on Twitter – look for SpeakingofAudio (formerly LeaAAR).

For those new to our Speaking of Audiobookscolumn, be sure to check out our audio archives for further recommendations and discussions.

Our Speaking of Audiobooks Goodreads group keeps growing and we now have 206 members.  It’s easy to join and it’s a great place for discussion in between our columns.

To find a full listing of all of our audiobook reviews since the beginning of our Speaking of Audiobooks column, go to our Speaking of Audiobooks Goodreads Mini-Review bookshelf.  We have over 250 romance audiobook reviews.

Enjoy your listening!

– Lea Hensley



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Lea Hensley
Lea Hensley
03/26/2012 8:21 am

Congratulations to our five winners!





Cindy W

And thanks to all who entered!

03/22/2012 9:36 pm

Ohhh my favorite romance! I love Lord Ian. Love love love love.

Carolyn F
Carolyn F
03/22/2012 8:39 pm

I love this book and am really interested how the narrator is going to do Lord Ian.

Mitzi H
Mitzi H
03/22/2012 6:50 pm

I’ve been relistening to the House of Rohan series…just love those bad boys. I’ve been wanting to read The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie….sounds soooo good!!!

Megan George
Megan George
03/22/2012 10:18 am

What a great column and lovely interviews! Loved the book–And finding out J Ashley did all that research, wow. Asylums do seem fascinating. And Angela dawe …well I’d have to buy this if I don’t win

03/22/2012 12:10 am

I loved the book and would love to hear it as an audiobook. I’ve read all of the books. I have also been following the Ashley Gardner series with Captain Gabriel Lacey. I am looking forward to reading the next one.

03/21/2012 10:38 pm

I’d love to hear this book as I have not read it yet.

03/21/2012 7:57 pm

What a great choice for an audio book. Look forward to hearing it.

03/21/2012 4:48 pm

I’d love to hear this audio on my commute to and from work. Especially any Scottish/British accents.

03/21/2012 2:15 pm

I’ve read Ian’s story numerous times and have picked up details I’ve missed each time… hearing it as an audiobook will be fantastic as I’m sure to discover even more. Audiobooks have grown on me over the years because they breathe life into stories in places that once seemed flat. They can make or break a book, but quality audiobooks can blow you away. Ian’s book doesn’t fall short anywhere, so the audiobook has some big shoes to fill, but if it’s able to enhance the story then I think Christmas has come early!

03/21/2012 1:33 pm

I’ve fallen in love with Jennifer Ashley’s MacKenzie clan and to have any of them show up on audiobook, particularly Ian’s book, has got me feeling all fluttery and giggly inside. Interested to see how a female narrator conveys Ian, rather than a male narrator…

Lisa Kay Chance
Lisa Kay Chance
03/21/2012 12:18 pm

I’d love to hear this one, as it was one of my favs for 2011. (BTW, the website I posted is where I do guest reviews of audiobooks, not my website.)

03/20/2012 11:57 pm

I’m just learning about audiobooks and this sounds like it would be a great one to get started on this new journey.

03/20/2012 11:10 pm

Looking forward to listening to this book on audio.

03/20/2012 8:56 pm

Yay! I love listening to audio books on my MP3 player. Just finished Rainshadow Road by Lisa Kleypas and also Celebrity in Death by J. D. Robb. I have been looking on Audible.com for The Surrender of Miss Fairbourne by Madeline Hunter, but alas, nothing yet.

trish b
trish b
03/20/2012 7:30 pm

Can’t wait to listen to Ian and Beth’s story!

03/20/2012 6:48 pm

I am equal parts excited and nervous about this one!

Excited because Ian is one of the, if not THE, most memorable heroes in Romance.

Nervous because Angela Dawe has stepped up to the plate to try and capture such a memorable character in audio.

Fingers crossed for you, Angela!

03/20/2012 5:17 pm

I find audio versions add another layer of enjoyment to the book. Looking forward to listening to one of my favorite books!

Anne Stuart
Anne Stuart
03/20/2012 3:50 pm

Great Interview. I hadn’t realized Jennifer was also Allyson James. The things you discover!
I actually read the print version (and I read very few print books nowadays — well, actually a Kindle version) — and it was wonderful. Looking forward to the audio version.

03/20/2012 1:43 pm

I am fairly new to audiobooks, but really do enjoy them. I won a copy of the last Karen Moning book, of course I had to buy all the previous ones first .. but WOW. It was fantastic. I would love to win a copy.

03/20/2012 9:50 am

Thanks for the interviews. It will be wonderful to hear Ian brought to life. I feel a long road trip cropping up …

Maggie Ann True Armstrong
Maggie Ann True Armstrong
03/20/2012 9:40 am

I’m so excited this is in audio!! Great interview, I really enjoyed reading it!

03/20/2012 7:04 am

I adore audiobooks and Tantor is doing a great job bringing great books to life. Right now I’m listening to Wrangled and Tangled by Lorelei James.

Great Interview!! Hopefully all of the Mackenzie books will be made into audiobooks.

03/20/2012 12:52 am

I’m in the can’t wait for this one group! I thoroughly enjoyed both interviews – I’m always enthralled when an author speaks of a character as if they came knocking on their front door. :)

When Ian Mackenzie walked into my head, I knew he was “mad,” but I wasn’t sure in what way. I watched him for a while, trying to figure out what would best fit him.””

Tantor has truly done The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie justice with both their cover art design … http://www.tantor.com/BookImageDetail.asp?ImageFile=BookImage/B0692_MadnessLord_L.jpg

and with their summary of the book …

“”It was whispered all through London society that he was a murderer, that he’d spent his youth in an asylum and was not to be trusted—especially with a lady. Any woman caught in his presence was immediately ruined. Yet Beth found herself inexorably drawn to the Scottish lord whose hint of a brogue wrapped around her like silk and whose touch could draw her into a world of ecstasy. Despite his decadence and intimidating intelligence, she could see he needed help. Her help. Because suddenly the only thing that made sense to her was the madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie.””

Excellent job for a very worthy book and good job on picking up the audio rights for a book high on romance listeners wish lists Tantor, you continue to impress.

03/20/2012 12:03 am

Thank you for the interviews. I too am looking forward to this one! I have just started listening to audiobooks this past year and I am enjoying them so much.

03/19/2012 11:38 pm

Listening to audiobooks again. I’m currently enjoying Meljean Brooks’s THE IRON DUKE. The narrator sounds like Michelle Dockery (Lady Mary from Downton Abbey). I would love to hear Lord Ian done in audio and how the narrator portrays him.

03/19/2012 11:34 pm

Listening to audiobooks again. I’m currently enjoying Meljean Brooks’s

Nikki H
Nikki H
03/19/2012 9:04 pm

I am so looking forward to hearing this one. I love listening to historical romance–it is so far from every day life.

03/19/2012 8:58 pm

How very interesting to hear from both the author and the audio narrator. Thank you for the interview and the opportunity to possibly win an audio book.

03/19/2012 8:33 pm

If possible, I get audiobooks rather than regular ones now. They help with the chronic pain and take me to a place that reading a book can’t anymore. Sometimes I find it hard to concentrate when I read. So Audiobooks have been a godsend to me…plus it makes a great bedtime story…don’t you think? Thanks for a chance to win.

Cathy Decker
Cathy Decker
03/19/2012 8:21 pm

I have this book in paperback on one of my many TBR piles. Though I have read many of her books I haven’t gotten to this one yet. Now that I’ve heard so much about it in this interview I can’t wait to get to it! I’d love to win the audio as I’m working 12 hour days and listening is the only way I can devour a book lately.

03/19/2012 8:20 pm

Audiobooks are my only way to read right now since I can work at the same time. What an exciting giveaway!

Janine Koucheki
Janine Koucheki
03/19/2012 7:51 pm

Yippeee!!!! A fantastic give a way opportunity. I’ve not had the pleasure of reading or listening to and of Jennifer Ashley’s books and I spend hours and hours each day listening to audio historical romance books. I would love to win one of these.

03/19/2012 7:38 pm

I’m really looking forwardto hearing this one. I love historical romances and an “”injured”” hero makes it that much better to me. :)

Kathy W.
Kathy W.
03/19/2012 7:34 pm

I agree with Willaful – there is a certain voice quality and cadence that is characteristic – it will be interesting to hear Angela’s interpretation! It will be an excellent listen – can’t wait!!!

Mariann with Belle's Book Bag
Mariann with Belle's Book Bag
03/19/2012 7:22 pm

I loved this book so much and the rest of the series. I can’t wait for Hart’s book. Jennifer is one of my favorite authors. I love how she tells a story.
I have never really listened to audio books but after reading these interviews, I would be interested to try it. Thanks for the chance to win.

Mariann with Belle’s Book Bag.

03/19/2012 7:09 pm

Wonderful interview! Guess I’ll have to use a credit if I don’t win a copy. :)

03/19/2012 6:59 pm

I have begun listening to audio books only recently and am really enjoying them. I have gotten some great recommendations here and am working my way through a list. The Madness of Lord Ian McKenzie is a great one to add to my list!

03/19/2012 6:52 pm

Very interesting inverview, I’ve read The Madness of Lord Ian McKenzie twice and loved it. Audio books are great for travel or just relaxing when you “”rest”” your eyes!

03/19/2012 6:09 pm

Saving the Audible credit for if I don’t win!

Kelley B
Kelley B
03/19/2012 5:49 pm

Loved this book in print, by far my favorite of the series. Looking forward to listening to it as well!

03/19/2012 4:05 pm

One of my all-time favorites – so excited to hear how it sounds in audio format!

03/19/2012 3:57 pm

Great interviews! Lord Ian is one of my all-time favorites. I just love his uninhibited honesty & the uniquess of his character. Can’t wait for the audio version!

03/19/2012 2:31 pm

This is one of the few books I plan to read again – listening to it would be even better. Thanks to all involved in this quite interesting interview.

Arlena Dean
Arlena Dean
03/19/2012 2:29 pm

I would love to hear this. The interview was very interesting.

03/19/2012 1:43 pm

I love it when one of my favorite books comes out on audio.

03/19/2012 12:58 pm

I loved this book in print form and am looking forward to the audio version. Thanks for the interview, I enjoyed hearing about how Ian came about and how Jennifer created him.

03/19/2012 12:57 pm

I’ve not tried romance on audiobook. Fingers crossed for a win to try it out!

Melissa B
Melissa B
03/19/2012 10:58 am

Ooh, I love your narrating, Anglea!! Love Nalini’s books…and bought several Nora Roberts titles I’d already read to listen to because you narrated them. I tend to find narrators I really enjoy, and buy from what they narrate. You, Susan Ericksen, Lorelei King, Tany Eby and a few others top my list. I’m so thrilled w/ Audio books ~ I NEVER thought I’d enjoy them as much as I do ~ but they truly have opened doors for me, because I can listen to books I would have never read, such as 1st person books, book that don’t really have an HEA…and it’s like REALLY watching them on TV in my mind, lol. IF you have a great narrator. In 2 years, I’ve accumulated 178 books from Audible alone…and listened to almost ALL of them…and now I’m racking them up at Tantor, too…I have a long commute w/ work, so this feeds an obsession!

03/19/2012 10:27 am

This should be fun. I just upgraded my paperback copy of the book to hardback and now audio – wonderful!