
Sometimes It's Hard to be a Fan of Romance AND Sci-Fi

A_wanderer_dancing_the_dance_of_stars_and_space The romance community certainly has its kerfuffles, and some of it – such as the pointing of fingers at reviewers and calling them bullies – can get frustrating. Yet in the past few weeks, I’ve been grateful for romance. That’s because the science fiction and fantasy field has started to look really screwed up recently.

It all started when the SFWA Bulletin, the official publication of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), came out with a Red Sonja cover — complete with warrior woman in illogical armor and, of all things, high heels. (You can see it in this post. Who in their right mind would wear that armor in a snowy environment?) There were other problems as well, and when writers complained, they were shot down, accused of being fascists, “anonymous” complainers, and so forth. All this resulted in a rebuttal column that created huge firestorm resulting in the president of SFWA posting an apology and too much backlash to go over in a paragraph. The whole picture is complicated, and you can read more here. The long and short of it is that some SF/fantasy writers revealed themselves to be jerks (not really a shock in some cases). The only thing that kept it from being a complete cesspool was that so many writers fought against the misogyny and racists. Yet the jerks still left a smudge all over SF and fantasy.

In the midst of this, N. K. Jemisin made a Guest of Honor speech at Continuum where she brought up the recent controversy, and mentioned a former candidate for the SFWA presidency who is openly misogynist, racist, etc. Although she didn’t mention him by name, he responded with a racist attack in a … let’s call it extremely controversial… post of his own and then arranged to have it appear on one of SFWA’s official Twitter streams. Some people think this former candidate could be kicked out for this (as it misused the Twitter feed). I was … let’s call it astounded… when I read a post on a message board that said both Jemisin and the former candidate should be kicked out of SFWA, Jemisin for her speech and the former candidate for his post. Oh, really?!…

On top of that, hoary old arguments which should be dead by now have came out again — male writers smugly claiming that women can’t write “real” science fiction, and what when they do write SF, it doesn’t count because it’s really just romance with spaceships. What is this, 1929? There have even been complaints that women writers will “pollute” the genre because they aren’t widely read in “real” SF/ My response? “Really?! Get a grip. I’ve been reading ‘real’ SF since junior high.” People talk about the “old boy” network, but this was more like the “little boy” network. As if some men thought they could take their spaceships away from my sandbox and tell me I couldn’t play with them.

Cross-genre books such as SF romance and urban fantasy are popular now, but women who write them often get treated rudely at SF conventions. Ugh. Come on, guys! Didn’t your parents teach you better? Sorry, but you don’t sneer at an SF romance writer, say something obnoxious, and then walk off. That’s being a jerk, and it reflects badly on SF and fantasy. Besides the bad taste left in my mouth, I was left wondering if the whole attitude wasn’t fueled by fear. Fear that women writing SF romance would get better sales than that so-called “real” SF. If so, maybe the naysayers should, you know, write better books that more people want to read.

Compare that to my experiences at an RWA convention in 2006, which I reported about for AAR here. I got nothing but support and friendship from romance authors, including Cathy Clamp and Linnea Sinclair (both published by SF houses by the way), Suzanne Brockmann, Elizabeth Hoyt, and yes, Nora Roberts. I attended workshops (open to both published and unpublished authors), learned a lot, and got to ask questions. I talked about my stories, and nobody told me my books didn’t “qualify” as romance. Nobody felt threatened by me or the many other aspiring authors there. And the keynote speech by Lisa Kleypas was so good I didn’t finish my cheesecake because I was too enthralled.

Through it all, some posters have missed the point entirely, concentrating only on the Red Sonja cover. They’ve said what amounts to “What’s the big deal? That cover didn’t look any worse than romance novels that objectify men.” They also went from there to the “romance novels objectify men by making them sex objects.” Right. I’m sure that’s the real issue. It doesn’t have anything to do with sexism and racism within the SF/fantasy field. Just men scared by bare male chests on book covers. I guess I missed the part where well known romance novelists were calling each other racist and sexist names in tweets and blogs. Sure, RWA has its controversies and struggles, and next week, I might be upset at them. But for the past few weeks, the romance field has looked more like a shining beacon to me.

Just when I was beginning to look at my SFF shelves and wonder if it was safe to get back into those waters, along came another revelation. A writer attending a recent convention reported being harassed by an editor and described the process of filing a claim against him. When the name was revealed, I recognized it right away. It made my eyes go wide. This was one of the first SF editors whose names I had learned. I still own books put out by his early imprint, and I own lots of books by the publisher he now works for. As it turns out, he (allegedly) has been doing this for years. Yet the writer who filled out the report was told this was the first “formal report” ever filed against him, even though complaints had been filed. There is a long history of harassment at SF conventions — groping by famous writers, that sort of thing. But surely things are different now. Well… They’re a lot better, but not for everyone. Even now, many women have kept quiet about harassment because they were afraid reporting it might hurt their careers.

Romance conventions aren’t free of harassment. There have been reports of women by groping male cover models, as well as harassing other men at conventions. That’s wrong, and it sucks and it should stop. Let’s hope it does. But that’s nothing compared to the stories I’ve heard lately about SF conventions.

All the latest discussions make me want to go in several directions at once. First, I want to write an SF novel with a romance subplot and publish it to wide acclaim, and yes, maybe even to better sales than those of the naysayers. At the same time, I want to go my romance shelves and hug the books.

– Anne Marble


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07/06/2013 8:12 am

Exceptional publish. I had been reviewing consistently this particular site with this particular empowered! Very helpful details specially the concluding period :) I take care of this sort of facts a whole lot. I had been seeking this kind of certain information for years. Appreciate it and greatest associated with good luck.

Anne AAR
Anne AAR
07/02/2013 11:36 am

Thanks for the responses (and suggestions, yay!). I know there is at least one award for SF Romance, but I wish someone would create a Golden Girl Cootie Award. Just to take back the term. :D

07/02/2013 2:09 am

In a sense, it is funny. If it were not so pathetic. Women can be astronauts, judges, scientists or soldiers, achievers of the Nobel Prize or the Pritzker and even run marathons. But write science fiction? Oh, no! The last frontier of masculinity: the only thing men can do and women not. It is ridiculous. I think they see the women who write science fiction as a threat for them. If women do not read much, and writers do not sell much, sure that would matter to them what kind of books we -little women- write or read.

Karen W.
Karen W.
07/01/2013 6:04 pm

I’m a huge Sci-Fi/Fantasy fan and mostly read that for many years before discovering romance, so this saddens me too.

And I was once groped by Isaac Asimov (he was notoriously known for it) at a con — he even made up a poem about me before he would let me go. :-/ Fairly harmless but embarrassing.

Georgia Carter Mathers
Georgia Carter Mathers
07/01/2013 4:41 pm

Wow Anne, give yourself permission for lots of romance hugs!

That kind of behaviour just needs stamping out. We all love men and we love our heroes, but the less we see of cretins like that the better.

Heather Massey
Heather Massey
07/01/2013 12:21 pm

@KiraW Thanks for the mention! I did a roundup of posts on the sexism in SF issue from the SFR angle–perhaps this is the post you saw?


Thanks for this post, Anne. The more conversations about this issue, the better.

Corrina Lawson
Corrina Lawson
07/01/2013 11:30 am

Thank you for this article and I appreciate the link over to my GeekMom article as well.

I grew up reading SF/F, not romance, but it turns out that I’m very interested in relationship stories, so after meeting some romance writers who were awesome on-line, I joined RWA and was blown away by the community of female writers helping each other. Not only that, I also found my preconceptions of the genre were very wrong. I’ve read incredible books in the Harlequin series lines, in romantic suspense, in contemporaries and in SF Romance, by people like Christine Merrill, Jess Anderson, Jennifer Crusie and LInnea Sinclair.

I’ve learned to approach a book as a possible story first, genre second, though, as I like to say my novels are what the Terminator would be if the male lead lives at the end. :)

I want to hug the romance genre. So much so I will have a panel at Geek Girl Con in October called “”Romance is a feminist genre.””

Mrs. Fairfax
Mrs. Fairfax
07/01/2013 10:24 am

Vox Day’s response was reprehensible, but do you honestly see nothing questionable at all in Jemisin’s speech?

Reply to  Mrs. Fairfax
07/01/2013 1:50 pm

I just skimmed the Jemisin speech so am by no means 100% familiar with it. Just curious: what bothered you about it?

Reply to  Mrs. Fairfax
07/02/2013 4:31 am

I’ve read the whole thing now, and I honestly don’t. Could you explain what you see that you find problematic?

Mrs. Fairfax
Mrs. Fairfax
Reply to  Rosario
07/02/2013 5:18 am

I’m not informed about the current state of race relations in Australia, so I can’t say if Ms. Jemisin’s assertion that she’s not safe walking the streets there is pure hyperbole, but I know her claims that the US is taking voting rights away from Blacks and that it’s legal to shoot Blacks in Florida and Texas are. And if those were truthful characterizations, would they be a suitable setup to talk about sci-fi genre arguments? None of that twigs with anyone?

Reply to  Mrs. Fairfax
07/02/2013 10:20 am

a) you’re misrepresenting what Jemisin said, and

b) Are you seriously equating someone openly being an utterly vile racist and misogynist with someone not being in agreement with you about whether a particular measure/country is racist? See, now *that* I find questionable.

Mrs. Fairfax
Mrs. Fairfax
Reply to  Rosario
07/02/2013 4:47 pm

I was not equating the two; you can see I said Vox Day/Beale’s response was reprehensible. But I fail to see how I misrepresented what Jemisin said, and I’m not talking about whether such measures are racist, I’m talking about the fact they don’t exist as she portrays them. These are quotes:

“”I know now that Dad was right to worry. This is not a safe country for people of color. “”


“”Right now American politicians are doing their best to roll back voting rights won during our own Civil Rights movement. They are putting in place educational “reforms” which disproportionately have a negative impact on black and brown and poor white kids, and will essentially help to solidify a permanent underclass. Right now there are laws in places like Florida and Texas which are intended to make it essentially legal for white people to just shoot people like me, without consequence, as long as they feel threatened by my presence.””

How did I misconstrue what she said?

Anne AAR
Anne AAR
Reply to  Mrs. Fairfax
07/02/2013 11:16 am

After reading an series of articles in a Tampa Bay newspaper about some of the “”Stand Your Ground”” cases, I can understand why someone would construe that and similar laws that way. Some of those cases make be nervous for anyone caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Apparently people have killed (unarmed) neighbors they were having a dispute with, or an unarmed neighbor that was having some kind of episode, and then been cleared under the law. Instead of just, you know, calling the police. :(

Brenda Schmitt
Brenda Schmitt
07/01/2013 10:01 am

If anyone is looking for an entertaining sci-fi romance, I can highly recommend Anitra Lynn McLeod’s Fringe Series. I happened to stumble upon the first book in the series “”Thief”” as a freebie on Amazon. It took me months to get around to reading it and was very much blown away by it. I bought books 2 and 3 (“”Overlord”” and “”Runner””) and enjoyed them just as much if not more than “”Thief.”” When I realized I was gorging myself on the series, I decided to hold off on buying and reading book 4 “”Stripper.””

Prior to reading “”Thief,”” I tended to avoid romances with a sci-fi slant not because I had a prejudice against the genre, but because I didn’t think the setting would appeal. Not unlike the contemporary reader who refuses to read historicals or the time-travel junkie who scoffs at vampires and shape shifters, it only takes one well written book outside your comfort zone to blow your preconceived notions to smithereens.

07/01/2013 9:42 am

Good article! I read more fantasy than sci fi so I just heard bits and pieces of this whole mess. As an outside reader, it doesn’t look like the old boys club of sci fi writers are doing themselves any favors. I get that there are different types of sci fi and readers get drawn to different ones. What I don’t get is the hate.

I couldn’t find the exact post but I know Heather over at Galaxy Express (http://www.thegalaxyexpress.net) had a good post on the sci fi writers, too.

07/01/2013 9:00 am

Just astonishing.

Anne AAR
Anne AAR
07/01/2013 7:17 am

Here is another link, whci I couldn’t find last night:

Really, some of these guys should look at themselves in the mirror. Their behavior is beyond ruse. Even if I didn’t like romance, I’d hate what they were doing to the field.