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RWA – Thursday

CKo6iu7WUAAV3QMThe first full day of RWA is in the books. Lynn, Dabney, and I have been busy observing, reporting, tweeting, and okay…celebrating.

One change this year is that there are no luncheons; the sessions with featured speakers are breakfast sessions in the morning. Undoubtedly a cost-cutting measure, and I am not sure whether it is a permanent shift or if they are just trying it out. All of us missed it Thursday because we were invited to breakfast the the Simon & Schuster Offices – for booklovers, that was pretty cool and a major perk of having the conference in New York. Incidentally, there do seem to be a lot more men milling about at this conference than the one in say, San Antonio. Don’t get me wrong; this is a very female dominated industry and there are far more women than men – just more men than usual. We were trying to decide whether half of them were husbands and boyfriends who find New York more alluring than say, the South in July, or whether there are more men breaking into romance writing. I will note that the only time my ex came to RWA with me was when it was here last time, despite being invited along to other places. There is, after all, something for everyone in New York.

As far as emerging conference trends, after sitting through a few publisher spotlights it doesn’t seem to be substantially different from last year. I’m still hearing “the paranormal market is soft but we’ll look at a funny one.” Although I would say that New Adult seems to be a little less white hot. I always like the point in spotlights when an aspiring author asks editors what they are personally looking for. Sure, many times you’ll just hear, “I can’t get enough alpha bad boys!”, but sometimes, like yesterday, someone enthusiastically supplies, “Virus in a submarine!”

Since I have personally been a little less connected to books this year (and in fact, fielded more than one “Are you still writing for AAR?”) this has been an opportunity to reconnect with longtime conference friends and really talk books in a fun way. Also, I sort of can’t shut up about my own real life romance, so there’s that. But because it’s so fresh in my life I’ve heard a lot of other people’s love stories. And it’s good to know that love in alive and well among romance writers, bloggers, and industry professionals. Also, more than one woman at this conference has seen Magic Mike XXL.

What’s up for AAR today? Lynn and I will continue tweeting publisher spotlights. Dabney has been accumulating a treasure trove of author interviews, so stay tuned for that as well. And at night? Well, probably more than one cocktail (perhaps accompanied by an impromptu discussion about love, man buns, or both).


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Mary Beth
Mary Beth
07/24/2015 2:50 pm

I envy you NYC – every time I visit, I think this is the best time ever….and then I visit again.

Personally, I would like to see much less NA. It bores me and I can’t relate (and I do remember being that age). What I would adore seeing more of is great romantic suspense without military or former military people, these types of characters feel overdone at the moment.

Most of all, I would love to see GOOD historical romances, in my opinion, most of them out today are pretty horrible and really not that historical. I want a well researched, great story filled with people who feel, sound and behave in a historically appropriate manner.

I hope that you all continue to have fun in the city. Thank you so much for the reporting!

Reply to  Mary Beth
07/25/2015 12:02 am

You’ve pretty much captured all of my thoughts here! I especially would love for more historicals that really are historical in some clearly defined way.

Reply to  Mary Beth
07/26/2015 12:54 pm

Yes to all of the above! I don’t get most NA romances either because I look back at my romantic choices at age 22 and am basically horrified. There is something to be said for the wisdom that comes with aging.

I burned myself out on historical romances several years back when the market was flooded with mediocre to poor choices. I know I’ve been banging this drum for eons, but I’d love to see more quality historicals during the medieval period or American historicals during the 1700s and 1800s.

To those of you who recommended Donna Thorland’s American Revolution books, I owe you a drink. Maybe a cup of coffee since I was up until the wee hours of the morning reading The Turncoat. It was exactly what I needed.

Sonya Heaney
Sonya Heaney
07/24/2015 11:18 am

“”I would say that New Adult seems to be a little less white hot.””

Thank God. Maybe they can take a look at their massive misogyny issue and revamp their subgenre with a bit more respect for women…