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Rules for Life

Every once in a while I start researching a topic and then it leads to something completely different.  This week I was all set to talk about the strength it takes to make changes in our lives.  But honestly, we all know how difficult it is do things like ending relationships, or changing jobs. Instead I got sidetracked to www.oprah.com and Rules-for-Life-After-35 by Leigh Newman and was charmed by some of  her sayings.

  1. The five-second food-on-the-floor rule is really the 30-second food-on-the-floor rule. Except in houses with dogs.
  2. Leggings are not pants.
  3. There are only three real answers: yes, no and yes but later.
  4. Moms like scented candles. It’s not a crime to give them one every month.
  5. Books. Books. More Books.
  6. Parents love the friend who offers to hold their baby so they can drink a beer.
  7. Thank- you notes. Always.

Check out Rules-for-Life-After-35 and post your favorite.

And speaking of the five second rule, I did find a cute video

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JexsNeeqs8
– Leigh AAR

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10/15/2012 5:33 pm

Audrey: I don’t know if number 18, lifting your tongue to the roof of your mouth smooths out a double chin, actually works, but it was the cause of one of my favorite pictures ever. My sisters and I were trying it out and just ended up laughing. A great picture of a fun filled moment, double chins and all.

That sounds great. I love pictures of wonderful memories.

10/13/2012 3:25 pm

I don’t know if number 18, lifting your tongue to the roof of your mouth smooths out a double chin, actually works, but it was the cause of one of my favorite pictures ever. My sisters and I were trying it out and just ended up laughing. A great picture of a fun filled moment, double chins and all.

10/10/2012 9:59 am

I like Books. Books. More Books.

Sometimes I forget people’s names too but only for people I haven’t seen for years. And then I just get so enthusiastic about seeing them again, that they don’t know I’ve forgotten their name. I hope! ;)

10/10/2012 8:53 am

maggie b.: After looking over the list I have to say it is Books. Books. More Books. and the one about pretending not to see people you don’t want to talk to. That’s just rude. In fairness though, I normally cut people slack on this one.A close friend once stood behind me in line at the grocery store but I was checking out and dealing with kids and honestly never saw her. And I am a mom so I do have eyes in the back of my head but they are always trained on my children., so people behind me may not be see. Just saying, sometimes when people think we are pretending not to see them we actually don’t see them.

You know I think I have a learning disability with names and sometimes it is embarassing to see someone and not remember his/her name. I do typically say hi, but then they will say Hi Leigh, and I am thinking how does she remember my name and I can’t remember hers.

10/10/2012 8:46 am

The rules you posted are charming, Leigh. Unfortunately, I can only light candles when my husband isn’t home – he hates them and I think they smell awesome.

maggie b.
maggie b.
10/10/2012 8:39 am

After looking over the list I have to say it is Books. Books. More Books. and the one about pretending not to see people you don’t want to talk to. That’s just rude. In fairness though, I normally cut people slack on this one. A close friend once stood behind me in line at the grocery store but I was checking out and dealing with kids and honestly never saw her. And I am a mom so I do have eyes in the back of my head but they are always trained on my children., so people behind me may not be see. :-)Just saying, sometimes when people think we are pretending not to see them we actually don’t see them.