Rebel Baron by Shirl Henke

I really wanted to like Rebel Baron. It’s got a beefcake cover (if you’re going riding in Victorian England, you might as well leave your shirt unbuttoned, right?), but I noticed early on that the author had researched the period and knew her stuff. That’s something I always admire in a romance. Unfortunately, the book…

Midnight Angel

There were a great many unique ideas in Midnight Angel that I enjoyed. However, as I continued reading, the heroine grew annoying, parts of the storyline became cliched, and the villain turned into cardboard. <!– var browName = navigator.appName; var SiteID = 1; var ZoneID = 4; var browDateTime = (new Date()).getTime(); if (browName=='Netscape') {…

Silk and Secrets by Mary Jo Putney

Linda Madl’s Silk and Secrets is a flawed but fun Victorian romance with a very old-fashioned feel to it and strong Gothic overtones. <!– var browName = navigator.appName; var SiteID = 1; var ZoneID = 4; var browDateTime = (new Date()).getTime(); if (browName=='Netscape') { document.write('‘); document.write(”); } if (browName!=’Netscape’) { document.write(‘‘); document.write(”); } // –>…