Tempted Tigress by Jade Lee

Tempted Tigress by Jade Lee

If you’re looking for something different in historical romance, Jade Lee’s Tempted Tigress is certainly that. Set during the Boxer movement at the very end of the Qing Dynasty, the story features the romance between a white drug runner and the Emperor’s Enforcer. It is a gritty story that does not gloss over the turbulent,…

Prince of Ice by Emma Holly

Isn’t it great to come across a really erotic book with wonderfully real characters? Even when…um, the book is essentially a fairy tale. Though Holly sets up a semi-complicated mythology involving a demon race of superior creatures living in a remote area discovered by humans during the Victorian era, the truth is that she could…

Vanquished by Hope Tarr

Those of you who have been complaining of cookie cutter romances – run out and get Hope Tarr’s Vanquished. It may be set in England during the Victorian period, but it’s very far from the usual historical romance. This is a serious and sometimes gritty book with a most unusual hero and heroine. Harry Stone…

Burning Tigress by Jade Lee

All through my reading Burning Tigress I shook my head at this missed opportunity. Author Jade Lee is a good writer with a strong knowledge of 19th century Shanghai. When she’s describing the Chinese scolding each other and struggling with life among English people whom they detest, she is marvelous. In this fourth book in…

Passion by Lisa Valdez

Passion by Lisa Valdez

Whoa! Classified as European Historical Romance, Passion should come with a warning label reading “Explicit Sexual Scenes”. Until I checked the book’s sub-category, I was convinced I had mistakenly picked up a book of Erotica. The sexual scenes, which are well underway by page ten, are hard and heavy, with verbiage many would consider objectionable….

White Tigress by Jade Lee

Forgive me if this review seems pulled in two directions; that’s the way White Tigress by Jade Lee made me feel. It kind of gave me the creeps, and I wasn’t too sure about the happily-ever-after. However, it definitely has some moments of brilliance. There’s only one thing I can say for sure: if you…