Waking Romeo by Kathryn Barker

Waking Romeo by Kathryn Barker

Romeo and Juliet – but in space, with the addition of some Wuthering Heights thrown on top of the pile.  That’s the theme of Kathryn Barker’s Waking Romeo, which plays with and modernizes the play’s tropes.  It’s dizzying, it’s messy, but it’s nonetheless compelling because it’s fun and inventive.  Overall, the book will likely please…

Forget Tomorrow by Pintip Dunn

Forget Tomorrow by Pintip Dunn

YA Dystopia is a crammed genre, but also one I truly love when it’s done well – and Forget Tomorrow blasts right past ‘well’ on its way to ‘brilliantly’. The best authors build originality within a genre framework (romance readers know this better than anyone!). Forget Tomorrow has the dystopian classics – the wicked urban…

Time and Forever by Susan B. James

On Sherry Southerland’s sixty-third birthday, her friend Lorena gives her an unusual present: a visit to a virtual reality studio in Hollywood which can replicate two weeks in any time period. Sherry, nostalgic for a missed romantic connection from her youth, chooses 1969 London. But to their surprise, the two women actually travel through time….