War Games by Jess Anastasi

War Games by Jess Anastasi

Having thoroughly enjoyed Jess Anastasi’s Atrophy (book one in her Atrophy series), I’m keen to read more of her work, so while I wait for the next Atrophy book to appear, I decided to pick up War Games, which is the fourth and final novel centring around the UEF battleship Valiant Knox. I haven’t read…

Roomies by Christina Lauren

Roomies by Christina Lauren

Holland has had a crush on Subway Station Musician for … let’s say a while. When he prevents her being shoved onto the tracks one night and saves her life, she pays him back by getting him an audition with her uncle, a Broadway bigwig. Subway Station Musician – whose name is Calvin – stuns…

Infamous by Jenny Holiday

Infamous by Jenny Holiday

Though romances starring rock star heroes or heroines aren’t usually on my list of favorites, I may have to make an exception after reading this latest romance by Jenny Holiday. On the strength of my enjoyment of previous stories of hers, in particular the 49th Floor series of romantic comedies, I ended up reading Famous…

Take the Lead by Alexis Daria

Take the Lead by Alexis Daria

If you’re a fan of Dancing with the Stars or other reality TV show dance competitions you are definitely going to want to pick up Take the Lead, a lively, energetic and sexy contemporary romance by début author Alexis Daria. And if you’ve never watched one of these competitions before, after reading this story you’ll…

Perfect by Judith McNaught

Perfect by Judith McNaught

An AAR Top 100 Romance originally published on January 21, 2001 Anyone who has even a passing knowledge of soap operas knows that doomed love is the most interesting. A couple who face insurmountable obstacles, whose time together is limited, whose love is forbidden by law or society will always tug at my emotions. I…

Beard in Mind by Penny Reid

Beard in Mind by Penny Reid

WARNING: This book contains a main character with severe OCD who self-harms.  If you find this subject matter triggering – even though the author handles it with tact – then this might not be a comfortable read for you.  Proceed with caution. Everyone loves those Winston boys.  And who can blame them?  They’re funny, sexy,…

Turn Me Loose by Anne Calhoun

Although Turn Me Loose is billed as the sixth book in Anne Calhoun’s Alpha Ops series, the author includes enough relevant information about previous situations and characters to make it work as a standalone, although I will admit to having re-read Maria Rose’s review of Under the Surface in order to remind myself of a…