The Deal by Elle Kennedy

The Deal by Elle Kennedy

I really, really liked Elle Kennedy’s The Deal. The characters are fantastic, and I stayed up into the wee hours to finish it. Unfortunately, as is the case for any story involving sports or other serious pursuits, Kennedy’s lack of accuracy in portraying the sport of ice hockey created a serious plot hole that kept…

Hard Time by Cara McKenna

Lately I’ve craved stories that are different. I periodically feel the need to leave my comfort zone. Thus I decided to read this romance between a prison employee and an inmate. I am so glad I did as I found an engaging story that was difficult to put down. Inmate number 802267 catches the eye…

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

The title of this book perfectly describes my relationship to writer Rainbow Rowell. I’ve now read two of her books and both have easily earned DIK reviews, and I’m thrilled to add a new auto-buy author to a very, very short list. I’m also happy to set Fangirl as the bar to which, in my…