Tempest by Beverly Jenkins

Tempest by Beverly Jenkins

Who hasn’t read a Beverly Jenkins book? Her stories are as memorable as the author herself, and I am delighted to have this opportunity to review one of her novels. Tempest is a western mail-order bride story, and I’m in awe of the heroine’s willingness to start a new life in a new land all…

Love Comes Home

A story about the love of a father and his son as much as one about romantic love between two men, this is a superb example of Grey’s command of the extraordinary in the everyday ordinary. For readers who wonder what gay romance is all about, this is an excellent place to start reading. Single…

Castaway Cove by JoAnn Ross

Castaway Cove was the first book I’ve read by JoAnn Ross, and although it was a nice enough read, I don’t know how soon I’ll get around to a second. The story was fine, the characters were sweet, but there wasn’t anything exceptional about it. I could just as easily have spent my day reading…

Guardian by Catherine Mann

Ecclesiastes tells us that there is nothing new under the sun. I don’t know that I agree with that – authors can make even the oldest stories feel fresh just by adding a new perspective. Seeing the same road through different eyes can make it seem like a changed path. Unfortunately, this book is a…