Waking Romeo by Kathryn Barker

Waking Romeo by Kathryn Barker

Romeo and Juliet – but in space, with the addition of some Wuthering Heights thrown on top of the pile.  That’s the theme of Kathryn Barker’s Waking Romeo, which plays with and modernizes the play’s tropes.  It’s dizzying, it’s messy, but it’s nonetheless compelling because it’s fun and inventive.  Overall, the book will likely please…

Cottonwood by R. Lee Smith

I first heard of R.L. Smith when I read The Last Hour of Gann, one of the finest science fiction romance books I have ever read. It was difficult to read Cottonwood without similar expectations, but that would be doing the book an injustice. Twenty years ago, an alien spaceship came to Earth, only to…

Driven by Eve Silver

Driven by Eve Silver

Eve Kenin (aka Eve Silver) went on my auto-buy list the second I finished Driven. This book packs a wallop, no doubt about it. The action never stops, but the characters are compelling and unforgettable. Finishing the book was difficult because I didn’t want to leave them or their adventures behind. In post-Apocalyptic Earth, one…

The Power of Two by Patti O’Shea

The 2176 series is finally back with another exciting installment in Patti O’Shea’s aptly-named The Power of Two. The title refers to the unique relationship shared by its hero and heroine. As part of an army experiment, they became a “Quandem,” each installed with brain implants that lets them interact mentally and across great distances….