The Devil to Pay by Liz Carlyle

The Devil to Pay by Liz Carlyle

Okay, unquestionably, the “heroine as thief” thing has been done before. Ditto the guilt-ridden nobleman determined to drown his troubles in sex and alcohol. But, despite their undeniable familiarity, these tried-and-true characters spring to new and entertaining life in The Devil to Pay, the newest release from an author I believe is one of the…

The Baron by Juliana Garnett

The Baron is an ambitious project, based on an idea that’s so good I don’t know why no one ever thought of it before. Tré Devaux is the Norman baron of Brayeton. The avaricious King John seizes his lands on a pretext because he (rightly) doubts Tré’s loyalty. The King appoints Tré to the lesser…