Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews

Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews

A combination of urban fantasy, alternate history, and paranormal romance (minus the werewolves or vampires), Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews marks the first in a new series following an in-debt private investigator attempting to negotiate a world where her targets possess magical powers. For some quick background, in 1863, scientists discovered a serum that…

Spies & Prejudice by Talia Vance

Girl detectives have always been a big thing in the reading world. From Nancy Drew to the more recent Flavia de Luce, we can’t seem to get enough of youthful sleuths. This novel channels Veronica Mars a bit, combining that character very gently with Austen’s Pride and Prejudice to deliver a fun, entertaining mystery. Strawberry…

True to the Law by Jo Goodman

After reading The Last Renegade, the first book in this series, I couldn’t imagine how Goodman could possibly follow up such a delightful and enjoyable tale with anything better. Now I know since she’s outdone herself with this book. Set again in Bitter Springs, Wyoming, the story opens with detective Cobb Bridger being hired in…