Private Passions

Emily Kirkland and Christopher Delgado are two high powered people who need to keep their relationship secret in Rochelle Alers’s Private Passions. If you are absent-minded and forget titles easily, no need to worry, because every other chapter ends with the heroine wondering why she can’t give in to her private passions. <!– var browName…

Blue Moon by Dalia Vargas

Oh dear. Here I was hoping that the Encanto line meant there would be some well-written stories about Latinos. Well, they got the Latino part right, but aside from only one or two books I’ve liked, they have to work on the “well-written” part of the equation – most have been rather mediocre. Blue Moon…

Mandarin Plaid by SJ Rozan

Lydia Chin thought her latest case was going to be fairly simple. All fashion designer Genna Jing asked her to do was drop off the ransom so she could retrieve her stolen designs in time for her upcoming showing. At least it looked very simple. But the drop goes terribly awry, shots are fired, and…