Ravished by Amanda Quick

Ravished by Amanda Quick

An AAR Top 100 Romance originally published on April 15, 1998 Beauty and the Beast stories are favorites with many readers of romance novels. There is just something about the whole premise that lends itself to romance and resonates with readers in a way that other fairy tale archetypes do not. Ravished is a touching…

Crazy Hot by Tara Janzen

Crazy Hot is the first book in a new Brockmann-esque series, and I found it pretty interesting. It’s essentially about a bunch of guys who work for a top-secret quasi-government agency affiliated with a garage. But not just any garage; the place they refer to as “Steele Street” has top-notch security and dozens of souped…

One Way Out by Michelle Albert

One Way Out is an enjoyable and suspenseful read centered around a unique subject and featuring interesting characters. That unusual subject matter may be a bit on the dry side for some, but those who like scientific forays with their romance will likely appreciate the author’s efforts. Cassie Ashton never intended to quit college and…