Truly by Ruthie Knox

Truly by Ruthie Knox

Ruthie Knox is my latest binge author, and her hot, honest contemporaries are consistent pleasers. After the world’s most disappointing marriage proposal, May Fredericks walks away from her NFL quarterback boyfriend (leaving her shrimp fork in the back of his non-passing hand). Unfortunately, a mugger snatches the purse she walks away with, and with just…

Completely by Ruthie Knox

Completely by Ruthie Knox

Completely is the third installment in Ruthie Knox’s New York series, but can be read as a standalone. It tells the story of Rosemary and Kal, two folks from very different worlds and in very different places in their own lives, who find themselves slowly and inexplicably weaving a life together. Though a slow read,…

Madly by Ruthie Knox

Because my love affair with contemporary romance started with About Last Night, a novel linked to this one, I had a special place in my heart for Madly even before I started reading it.  While it features my favorite romantic trope – opposites falling in love – it’s also a story of redemption and self-discovery….