She’s The One by Sandra Kitt

She’s The One presents an interesting storyline – a successful, single, black thirty-something librarian suddenly finds herself named guardian of an old friend’s biracial daughter. But the characters fail to draw sympathy, and the story falls on the flat side, despite a lively (if uneven) plot. Deanna Lindsay is comfortable in her upscale Manhattan life,…

Woven Dreams by Joanna Hampton

In too many historical romances, the authors take great pains to get the period details correct. However, they often forget to have their characters act in period as well. The clothing may be described accurately, actual events may be incorporated into the plot, but the people in the story are nothing more than our contemporaries…

The Portrait by Megan CHance

The Portrait by Megan CHance

The hero of The Portrait is Jonas Whitaker, the leading artist of his day in New York City, 1855. Jonas is forced by his patron to take on as his student Imogen, “Genie,” Carter, his patron’s godchild. Genie’s out-of-state father, who wants to make her into an artist like her late sister, is behind this…

Family Affairs by Sandra Kitt

Family Affairs is labeled as straight fiction, but that’s not quite accurate. The primary focus of the book is the love story between the hero and the heroine. So is it romance? Well, not exactly. The hero and heroine both sleep with other people, and though their relationship seems to be solid at the end,…