Rogue Nights Anthology

Rogue Nights Anthology

Rogue Nights is a multi-author anthology featuring seven new novella length romances, stories of women and men fighting back against political ideologies that seek to disenfranchise women and minorities through racist and oppressive policies. It’s part of the Rogue series that came about as the result of the backlash to recent political events.  Featuring people…

The River Leith by Leta Blake

Get out your tissues for this incredibly moving and superbly poignant gay romance that explores the lost and found qualities of memory loss on two men in New York City. <!– var browName = navigator.appName; var SiteID = 1; var ZoneID = 4; var browDateTime = (new Date()).getTime(); if (browName=='Netscape') { document.write('‘); document.write(”); } if…