After Hours by Cara McKenna

After Hours by Cara McKenna

It takes extraordinary authors to make extraordinary books out of ordinary people. Fortunately, Cara McKenna has what it takes. Erin Coffey earned her LPN while nursing her dying grandmother, so Larkhaven Psychiatric Hospital is her first professional position – one she only took to be close to her disastrous sister and beloved nephew. Kelly Robak…

Risk Aware by Amelia Gormley

Risk Aware is part of the Saugatuck Summer world, but is a totally standalone novel. This is a very readable romance, which considering the subject matter, is not overly heavy on the angst. A contemporary m/m romance with some very well thought out and imaginative BDSM elements, the title refers to the kink world’s mantra…

The Drafter by Kim Harrison

Over the years, Kim Harrison’s name has come up numerous times in conversations about urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Admittedly, I didn’t pay a lot of attention since the synopsis of the first book in The Hollows seemed kind of fluffy, not something I’d care much about. Then, The Drafter was published, and I took…

Love Comes Home

A story about the love of a father and his son as much as one about romantic love between two men, this is a superb example of Grey’s command of the extraordinary in the everyday ordinary. For readers who wonder what gay romance is all about, this is an excellent place to start reading. Single…