AUDIO: Defiant by Pamela Clare

Narrated by Kaleo Griffith The third in the Mackinnon’s Rangers series, Defiant delivers an above average American Historical tale set during the French and Indian War. To better visualize this time frame, think Daniel Day Lewis in The Last of the Mohicans. Although I see Lewis as Iain (the hero of Surrender), the action and…

Defiant by Pamela Clare

Defiant by Pamela Clare

North American historical. Pre-Revolution historical, no less. Ambiguous villains, vivid descriptions, and some seriously scary situations – my cup overfloweth. It’s good to have you back, Ms. Clare. What’s good about Defiant? Oh so much. I haven’t read the other books in the MacKinnon Rangers series, but it didn’t cause any confusion, and I’m definitely…