Blow Down by J.L. Merrow

Blow Down is another delightful, witty episode in the lives of Tom Paretski, the slightly psychic plumber, and his new fiancé, P.I. Phil Morrison. Death is what happens while you’re making other plans. I loved this murder mystery and devoured its character driven plot with glee. J.L. Merrow’s observations on the quirks of English life…

Priddy’s Tale by Harper Fox

Harper Fox’s mermaid fantasy, Priddy’s Tale is a luscious, sweet and sensual treat. Definitely a Desert Isle Keeper, the minus in the rating is only because I didn’t want the tale to end. I wanted to remain immersed and cossetted in the lovely prose and heartfelt romance. Extract from WILD Southwest – Legends of the…

Glove of Satin Glove of Bone

Glove of Satin Glove of Bone

I had such high hopes for this book. Witches, grimoires, ex-lovers rekindling their relationship – this sounded promising to me. Unfortunately, the book doesn‘t deliver at all because the romance is underdeveloped and the rest of the plot is boring and implausible. Enne Datchery and Muriel vas Veldina are given a task they can’t refuse…

For Real by Alexis Hall

I first read For Real as an uncorrected final proof over a year ago and reviewed it for an LGBTQ blog awarding it 4.5*/5*. There were a couple of aspects I was unsure about at the time, which stopped me awarding 5*. I have since read it twice more. Reading it this time for review,…