Ink by Amanda Sun

Ink by Amanda Sun

I chose to review the young adult paranormal Ink because of its unusual setting – Japan. Indeed, author Amanda Sun does a fabulous job evoking the feeling of being in an environment and culture wholly unlike my own. And while the paranormal aspect sometimes confused me, overall I really enjoyed this story, going so far…

Fire and Ice by Anne Stuart

We first met Reno in Ice Blue, introduced as Takashi O’Brien’s punk Japanese cousin, complete with piercings, tattoos, and bright red, waist-length hair. While I was amused at the bits of comedic relief he provided in both that book and Ice Storm, I wasn’t sure how Ms. Stuart could transform him into a hero with…

Ice Blue by Anne Stuart

Ice Blue by Anne Stuart

Oddly enough, although I thought Ice Blue suffered from a number of problems, I enjoyed it nonetheless. The third in Anne Stuart’s Ice series, it’s not as good as the first book, Black Ice, but much better than the second, Cold As Ice. It’s kind of a mess, but an agreeable one. When Summer Hawthorne…