The Write Escape by Charish Reid

The Write Escape by Charish Reid

The Write Escape combines the fantasy escapism of falling in love in a charming small foreign town with very real problems, including self-empowerment, racism and generational cycles of alcohol abuse.  It’s mostly successful and very dreamy on all counts, with a couple of flaws in its conclusion keeping it from a flat out A. Antonia…

The Trespasser by Tana French

The Trespasser by Tana French

In early summer of 2007, I picked up a mystery at the Regulator Bookshop. The cover was mildly menacing, black letters embellished with sharp pointed green branches spelled out Tana French In the Woods. From the first lines of the book’s first chapter–What I warn you to remember is that I am a detective. Our relationship with the truth is fundamental…