The Seeker by Kathleen Nance

In Greek mythology the goddess Demeter is presented as a victim. Her beloved daughter Persephone was kidnapped by Hades and required to spend six months each year in the underworld because she ate six pomegranate seeds. During that time, Demeter mourns and refuses to let anything grow. But what if Demeter wasn’t really the wronged…

The Warrior by Kathleen Nance

The Warrior, a sequel to The Trickster, which was quite favorable reviewed here at AAR, suffers from a bad case of sequel-itis. But instead of the usual symptom, bloated sections of boring back story, this one assumes the reader has read the prequel and will read the forthcoming sequel and leaves out too much information….

Cupid’s Kiss by Karen Harbaugh

Like Carla Kelly, Karen Harbaugh is pushing the bounds of the Regency sub-genre. But she’s doing it in a completely different way. While Kelly’s heroes and heroines are often common people, Harbaugh’s are about as uncommon as you can get. In Cupid’s Kiss, the final installment in Harbaugh’s Cupid trilogy, the hero is Eros –…