Electric Idol by Katee Robert

Electric Idol by Katee Robert

Katee Robert continues her exploration of Greek and Roman mythological tales with Electric Idol, which retells the story of Cupid (or Eros) and Psyche. While the world building is good and the romance well-paced, the tale misses out entirely on the best point of tension in the legend, making it something of a miss for…

Neon Gods by Katee Robert

Neon Gods by Katee Robert

Persephone and Hades are the O.G.s of the Beauty and the Beast archetype, which is one of my favorites, so I’m always game for a retelling. But if this particular Persephone story disappeared to the Underworld, I wouldn’t really miss it. Olympus, in this version, appears to be an East Coast city-state in an alternate…

Neon Gods by Katee Robert

Neon Gods by Katee Robert

I’ve always been a fan of fantasy romances, and so Neon Gods easily caught my eye as a mix of fantasy, Greek mythology, and erotica. While it took me a little while to orient myself in the author’s world, overall this book proved to be a promising start to this new series by Katee Robert….