Timeless by Shelly Thacker

Are you looking for a historical romance novel with an unusual and original plot? Shelly Thacker’s Timeless is the book for you. This is a most enjoyable and intriguing tale about 22 year old Avril de Varennes and her 300-year-old Viking warrior, Hauk Valbrand. That’s right, three hundred years old! (No, this is not a…

Dance by Judy Cuevas

Dance by Judy Cuevas is set in France at the beginning of the 20th Century, which doesn’t sound particularly romantic, but is. Everything we consider modern was just beginning to pop: Freud, Picasso, automobiles, motion picture photography, electronic communication, feminism! And to see all these issues rolled out against a backdrop of turn-of-the-century, hub-of-the-universe Paris,…