Great or Nothing by Joy McCullough, Caroline Tung Richmond, Tess Sharpe and Jessica Spotswood

Great or Nothing by Joy McCullough, Caroline Tung Richmond, Tess Sharpe and Jessica Spotswood

With apologies to Paul Simon, it seems there are 50 million ways to rewrite Little Women. I’ve seen modern adaptions that switch the book’s setting and time period; versions that give us a living Beth or a Jo/Laurie union.  Versions where the Marches are vampires or werewolves, or just plain horny.  The four folks taking…

Unexpected Goals by Kelly Farmer

Unexpected Goals by Kelly Farmer

There’s been a mini-epidemic of Canadian and American lady hockey players entering into lovelocks, marriage and childrearing together – prime romance novel material.  Thus I’ve been yearning for more F/F centered hockey romances (there is a bumper crop of het and M/M ones in the genre), and Unexpected Goals was just the treat I was…