Velvet Haven by Sophie Renwick

Velvet Haven would be better classified as a paranormal romance rather than an erotic romance. It doesn’t have the tendency to place the main characters into slightly incredible situations for the sake of sex, which is a very, very good thing. However, the story itself, while starting off interesting, ultimately took a downturn into the…

Fairyville by Emma Holly

Emma Holly is just a pleasure to read. Sexy, erotic, hot, steamy, it’s true, but also smooth, considered, well-crafted, and oh-so-easy to read. Holly is one of those writers whose writing never gets in the way of the story. Fairyville, Arizona isn’t like other towns. Fairyvillers are always just a little different, have something just…

The Saint by Melanie Jackson

Is that you, Santy Claus? No, it sure isn’t. Forget everything you know about Santa Claus because I have news for you, he sure isn’t a right jolly old elf. Try immortal, gorgeous and fey instead – a death fey to be exact. For those that haven’t read the previous books in Melanie Jackson’s lutin…