Hot Copy by Ruby Barrett

Hot Copy by Ruby Barrett

It’s hard to take on a workplace romance between a boss and an intern, but in Hot Copy, Ruby Barrett succeeds with something sexy that also manages to have a firm emotional grounding and clear consent. While the heroine is challenging to like, that’s not always a bad thing. On his first day at his…

A Reckless Match by Kate Bateman

A Reckless Match by Kate Bateman

Set in nineteenth-century Wales, Kate Bateman’s A Reckless Match is an entertaining frenemies-to-lovers romance between scions of two noble families who have been enemies for so many hundreds of years that no-one now alive can remember the reason for that enmity.  The humour and effortless banter between her leads are things I’ve always appreciated about…

Battle Royal by Lucy Parker

Battle Royal by Lucy Parker

Lucy Parker has another winner on her hands with Battle Royal, the first book in her new Royal Insiders series and also her first novel published under the Avon Imprint.   I’ve enjoyed all her books so far and have loved quite a few of them; they’re stylish and engaging and wonderfully romantic, featuring three-dimensional protagonists…