The Huntress

The saga continues! For those of you who sighed and lamented the conclusion of the Faire Isle trilogy, get ready for more. The legend of the Silver Rose, the Book of Shadows, the Dark Queen, and more return in The Huntress. After Catriona O’Hanlon’s step-father exiled her from her Irish clan, she met Ariane Deauville…

His Bride by Gayle Callen

After reading His Bride I tried to remember the last romance I’d read that focused almost entirely on the relationship between the hero and heroine, and you know, I couldn’t think of one. So many current romances include a mystery, paranormal experiences, the dreaded evil villain – or all of the above. The result is…

The Twylight Tower

While I enjoy mysteries and love Elizabethan history and politics, I have to say that The Twylight Tower never really got off the ground for me. It manages to be interesting without being engaging, and the pacing is entirely too slow for a story involving multiple mysterious murders that seem to be pointing to an…