Voyager by Diana Gabaldon

Voyager, the third installment in Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series, is a sharp contrast to the previous book, Dragonfly in Amber. Whereas Dragonfly began and ended with Claire and Jamie separated for twenty years, Voyager, as the title indicates, is the story of Claire’s return to the past and to Jamie. After finding out that Jamie…

North Star by Amanda Harte

This book has everything it needs to be a success and yet it left me feeling disconnected. In fact, there’s very little I could point out as being intrinsically wrong with the book, and yet it didn’t work. How’s that for a vague statement? The “everything it needs” includes: Heroine – Beth Simmons, an appropriately…

You Again by Peggy Nicholson

I didn’t think You Again could possibly live up to the blurbs adorning its covers. “I loved it!” says the quote from Karen Robards. “. . . impossible to put down until the final, wonderfully satisfying page is turned,” said Kay Hooper. “Heh,” I thought. But what do you know? Robards et al were right….

Midnight Sun by Amanda Harte

Midnight Sun is a book of squandered possibilities. The Alaskan turn of the century setting isn’t made vivid, a mostly interesting cast of characters fails to engage the reader, and a plot-line full of promise falls flat. There’s an enervating lack of excitement in this romance between an idealistic woman doctor and the wealthy mine…